Vol #159: Bobcat One Man Band and Mike’s Wilson
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #159: Bobcat One Man Band and Mike’s Wilson
Good afternoon my friend, and welcome back to the RbRR. This week I’ll be taking a listen to a pair of artists both submitting a pair of singles. I’ll tell you right now, these are not my typical sort of subject matter. As you well know, I normally focus on Hard Rock and Heavy Metal in and around the North Coast. Today we have something a little bit different.
The first set of songs I received was from a gentleman known as Bobcat One Man Band. In his introduction letter Bobcat is described as a Rockabilly/Comedy solo act, coming from New York. The first of the two songs is titled “Helping Hand Bass.” It opens with some nice strummed chords which is then joined by some soulful vocals and a very nice Bass line. My favorite part of the track is the Guitar solo near the middle. Its very smooth and works well. Overall I feel this song is great. It’s got a mellow, yet very solid groove to it and some Rockin’ drum work a times. Second we get the song “The Big Decide.” This one is more Rockin’ than it’s predecessor, and has a singalong quality to the chorus which is fun. There is a great moment when Bobcat screams preceding the Guitar solo that I really love. Also, and I’m not sure what it is but, this song gives me some pretty strong Randy Newman vibes. Now as far as Rockabilly goes, I am no authority on the subject. That being said, I know good music when I hear it. Bobcat has certifiably achieved that distinction in my mind. Since receiving these two songs from Bobcat, I checked out some of his other stuff on Youtube and I have to say I dig it as well. So in closing, if you are a fan of Rockabilly music, then I would certainly suggest you give this gentleman a listen.
The second set of songs comes to me from Mike’s Wilson. The first of the two songs is titled “Burn Baby Burn.” It is also a sort of Rockabilly song I suppose. It opens with some excellent lead licks that carry the intro of the song in like storm on the prairie. With a strong western vibe this track has clean vocals, a rocking tempo and some excellent guitar work throughout. I particularly like the back and forth vocal portion about halfway through which adds a darker edge to the song. The second song I got from Mike’s Wilson is simply called “The March.” This is a grooving piece of instrumental work that exhibits interesting use of melodies and percussion. Distorted Guitars overlay the entire track and completing and interesting and sonically pleasing tapestry of sound. With such a difference of sound between the two tracks, I’m not sure if I know exactly what their target audience is. That being said both songs are very good, well produced and catchy in their own way.
So there you have it Rustbelt, four songs, two artists, one review. Undoubtedly some solid music that is worth checking out. Don’t forget to bang your head, hoist your horns and as always thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Voice of the Underground