Vol. #181: Vandalizard – “Demolition, Vol. 1”

*album art by Eric Stevenson, @ericstevensonart

Rustbelt Rock Review

By: Z.M. Delgado


Volume #181: Vandalizard – “Demolition, Vol. 1”

February 11th, 2025

Hello, my friend, and welcome back to the #1 source for all that is glorious and new in the Cleveland Underground: The Rustbelt Rock Review! This week I have real banger to break down for you. This is an album that is, in my opinion, well over due. It is, of course, the long awaited debut from Vandalizard! Ever since this band first emerged on the scene fans, peers and this journalist have all had one question for the VL boys: “Where is the record?” After some years, dozens of shows, across North East Ohio and beyond, and some long hours in the studio, we finally have it! Ladies and gentleman, “Demolition, Vol. 1” is officially live! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s start with the basics. For those of you who don’t know, Vandalizard is a four piece Punk Rock act. These veteran’s of the Scene are the spawn of about a thousand former projects dating back to the late 90’s. They play a Rockin’ style that is heavily influenced by 80’s and 90’s Punk and Ska. Their lead vocalist has a coarse, gritty and gravelly style that could be very loosely compared to Tim Armstrong or perhaps even Duane Peters. The music is hard and fast, with a lot of melody and great backing vocals. Put it all together and the end result is a seven song collection that is uniquely Vandalizard. Before I say too much more, we do have some music to discuss. So without further delay, lets take a look at this record’s highlight reel.

My first stand out track is “Dissonant Dude.” It opens up with some big chords and pounding drums as a brief intro. Quickly we get some nice riffs and an upbeat driving tempo. The verses are somewhat subdued, grooving along with a Bass line that really takes a walk. This leads up to a big melodic chorus which simply begs for a sing along. I really enjoy the Guitar solo tucked away here. It has a great flow and brings the listeners perfectly back to the final chorus. Lyrically I dig this one, as it speaks to how we are all poisoned by our media. “All these talking heads, they’ll fill you up with dread” is a powerful sentiment in a world where it seems there are no longer any impartial news sources, and fear mongering is rampant. Vandalizard hits the nail on the head with strong words in these troubled times. “Dissonant Dude” is Rockin’ song with a serious message, and that’s why I chose it for my first stand out track.

Eric Stevenson: The official tattoo artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review

The second song I want to highlight is “Walk the Earth.” I love the opening riff to this track. It is packed with positive vibes and a surge of energy. I also really love the Bass work as well; it pops and grooves in lines that are lively and complex. The lyrics depict the tale of a legendary man, who vowed to leave home and see the world. Vandalizard narrates his travels from the inner city streets he came from, to the other side of the globe and home again. This song is an entertaining romp that spins an interesting yarn and at it’s core it is a hell of a lot of fun. For solid storytelling and good vibrations in plenitude “Walk the Earth” gets a stand out spot.

Next up is “Bad Influence.” This is song about older siblings, musical traditions and growing up. loaded with lyrical easter eggs, this song is a trip down memory lane. A machine gun blast from the Drums and a heavy dose of riffage rolls this track out for us. The song has a romping cadence that gives way to some great ska action. The chorus is hard hitting and ends on some excellent screams. A lengthy killer of a solo dominates the second half of this track as it leads us into the closing portion where big vocals carry the song away. With a contagious chorus that has catchy lyrics, this song stands out in the live set and likewise here on the album.

The final song I want to highlight is my personal favorite on record: “Roaches.” Lyrically this is the albums most powerful entry. It is a coming of age anthem for all the old Rockers, who were once teens with big dreams. This song dredges up memories of campfires, cheap booze and Rock N’ Roll. It is pure nostalgia and it is beautiful. The music is flawless. Strummed chords and lead licks that tug at the heartstrings. Then, about two thirds of the way through, there is this breakdown… with a pick scrape followed by a solo. I’ve tried to describe this piece four different ways and I just can’t do it justice. Believe me when I tell you it is one of those perfect Rock N’ Roll moments, a singularly powerful instant that is pure magic. It is moments like this that make it what I do worth while. For obvious reasons “Roaches” stands out loud and proud and deserves to be played at top volume.

So there you have it and here it is: my final argument, in favor of Vandalizard “Demolition, Vol. 1.” Take it from me, you need to listen to this album. It will grab you on your first listen, and grow on you with each subsequent pass. With great energy, strong lyricism and impeccable song writing, this is really an exceptional record. Each musician seems to shine at their position, delivering solid, precision performances. Each song is meticulously crafted, with an authenticity that only comes with veteran songwriting. I have seen these boys live and I have witnessed their fire first hand. I can tell you now they have done one hell of a job of capturing that fire here. With all the intensity of their live show, Vandalizard, serves up a platter of destruction. So if you love Punk Rock, especially 90’s Punk… If you are a fan of bands like Rancid, The Bouncing Souls or The U.S. Bombs… If you like lyrics that have teeth and heart, then my friend, Vandalizard might be right up your alley. So for all the Punk rockers out their, young and old, check out “Demolition, Vol, 1.” You won’t be disappointed. Thanks for reading.

Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,

-Z.M. Delgado

Rustbelt Rock Review






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