Vol. #127: Mutilation Barbecue, Feticide, Cleansing Humanity & Ripped Open
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #127: Mutilation Barbecue, Feticide, Cleansing Humanity & Ripped Open
March 8th, 2024
No Class 11213 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Hello Metalheads and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Rustbelt Rock Review. I, your humble narrator, am here to lead you down into the depths of the Cleveland Heavy Metal Scene. Once there we will see what foul creatures lurk deep in the darkness below. This week we will be journeying to No Class, one of the rowdiest spots in town. On the bill for the evening was the mighty Mutilation Barbecue, with support from Feticide, Cleansing Humanity and Ripped Open. Joha scooped me up some time after 7pm and we journeyed west, blasting the new Punching Moses album. I believe we arrived shortly after doors and upon entering the club we grabbed a spot at the bar to pass the time. Soon enough I noticed the boys from Ignominious had arrived on the scene. I was excited to see them, as it had been several months since we had last crossed paths. We caught up on all things at the bar, then moved the conversation outside to continue over a doobie. We smoked it down and then made our way back inside to prepare for the show. On our way back in I ran into my buddy Osha, formally of Paradox Rift. I say “formally” because I only then was informed of the unfortunate demise of the Cleveland Death Metal powerhouse. With this sad news tucked away in my mind, we made our way towards the stage; ready to rock.
Ripped Open
First on the evening’s agenda was Indiana’s Ripped Open. This is a Death Metal Quartet made up of two guitars, drums and a vocalist. They came out heavy and hard. Their singer dealt in deep guttural growls laced with occasional higher snarls. Backing vocals were provided by one of the guitarists. Their second song, they explained, was about “throwing pedophiles into wood chippers.” I enjoyed this song, being the sort of guy who also feels pedophiles should be thrown into wood chippers. I also liked the guitarists stage presence on this one. He was seen rocking out and high kicking wildly. On the third song the singer started getting down, headbanging like a maniac. Many in the crowd followed suit, as I noticed people all around me breaking their necks. The fourth song had a really nice rhythm with some cool riffs, but it was their fifth song when things really began to take off. This track was simply nasty. It led a number of fans down in front to start dancing energetically. The crowd was clearly feeling it as they broke into their sixth and final number. My notes describe this song as “hard driving Death Metal punishment.” From where I’m sitting that is a great way to end a set. The crowd unleashed some loud and raucous applause as Ripped Open finished up strong. The lights came up and the crowd dispersed. Joha and I headed back out to the patio where we relaxed over another doobie.
Cleansing Humanity
With our latest joint consumed, we returned to the stage in time for the second act of the evening. Cleansing Humanity is a five man outfit from Ashtabula, OH. They are made up of two guitars, bass, drums and a vocalist. They play a style of Metal that straddles both Death Metal and Hardcore… which I have to say amounts to a pretty cool blend. They opened up with a Marauder cover. The vocals were shouted, rather than growled, in a powerful timbre. The crowd was immediately drawn in to the bands intensity. Knuckles and fists began to fly and some began two stepping with fury. I quickly realized that the drummer of Cleansing Humanity was none other than Harrison, the same percussionist who throws down the beats in Mutilation Barbecue. It is always impressive to me when I see a musician pulling double duty like this. (Especially for a drummer! That shit has got to be exhausting!) On their second song the singer showed off some nice stage presence. He was seen amping himself up by slapping himself in the head. This transferred down to the floor where the crowd began to headbang relentlessly. My notes describe their third song as some “really slamming ass, bad ass shit.” I can concur with this sentiment as I recall fists flailing wildly as mad fans “picked up change” in the pit. Their fourth song had some savage drumwork with a seriously stomping beat. This song had a truly bestial breakdown that summoned a small but violent moshpit to form. On their fifth song we got another really pounding number which built up to ripping speed. There was a shredding solo and again a small pit popped up. Knuckles flew in every direction as the chaos at midfloor continued. On and on it rolled. Song after bone breaking song, Cleansing Humanity brought the hammer down again and again. The sixth song had a nasty riff. On the seventh the singer descended to the floor and a pit broke out. The eighth had excellent guitar work and on their ninth and final song, the bodies flew like wrecking balls. Without a doubt Cleansing Humanity came to destroy and they achieved their goal. They throttled No Class without a second thought and brought the house down in the process. I really enjoyed their Death Metal/Hardcore blend; finding it to be an exciting concoction.
With Cleansing Humanity finished up, we returned to the patio and, you guess it, toked up another joint. With that finished it was back to the stage where our third performer of the night was gearing up to throw down. Indiana’s Feticide is a five man Death Metal force constructed from two guitars, bass, vocals and drums. This would be my second time seeing the band. From what I remember they are an extremely heavy act, and what I got friday night confirmed that memory. They opened with crushing heaviness, their singer utilizing an exceptionally low guttural tone. Almost immediately the floor exploded in activity as knuckles and fists started whirling. I found it dangerous to write, having to keep my head up at all times to defend myself from the onslaught. Their second song, they proclaimed, was a new one. With monstrous vox and a hard, driving rhythm, Feticide kept the crowd engaged. The band showed off some excellent stage presence even as two stepping broke out across the floor. The crowd cheered explosively as Feticide plunged ever deeper into their set. My notes from here on get horribly redundant. More or less they read, “moshpit, guitar solo, big cheer, next song, moshpit, nasty vocals, big cheer, next song” and so on they progress. Suffice to say Feticide had the crowd in the palm of their hand as they laid out their brutal Death Metal assault. By their sixth song a circle pit had started up and Chris Maggot (Mutilation Barbecue) was riding on the back of Colin (Ignominious) through it’s heart. On their 7th track they delivered ripping speed and the pit went increasingly wild, the fans now spin kicking as they launched themselves together. On their 8th and final song it seemed that things really culminated. The pit reached new heights of intensity and violence as the music came in a calamitous fashion. Feticide finished up, the crowd roared and the lights came up. It had been a fantastically intense set steeped in brutal vibrations. Based on the response I witnessed I would have to say that Feticide was very well received by the fans. With our third set finished, Joha and I once again made our migrations. We stepped back outside to blaze before returning to the stage for our fourth and final act of the night.
Mutilation Barbecue
Closing out the evening was the Cleveland Death Metal wrecking crew better known as Mutilation Barbecue. They are a four man monstrosity consisting of vocals, drums, bass and guitar. Opening up with “Amalgamations of Gore/Skin Display” they tore into the set with no regard for the safety or sanity of those who looked on. Slamming and heavy they began, and I nearly got decapitated chasing photos. The band had excellent stage presence, all members rocking out, while their frontman, Chris Maggot, took full command of the stage. The band performed with unabated ferocity and an unquestionable swagger as they addressed their hometown crowd. Again my notes become repetitive and are not a whole lot of help. I see a pattern forming here and I suppose it is a good one. Each song doled out caused madness to sweep through the crowd. Fists would start swinging, the moshpit would explode. By their fifth song, “Abortion Ambulance,” the two step had begun again, sending me running for safety, to avoid the flurry of fists. The crowd roared as they transitioned into “Lady Next Door.” The pit went wild and bodies began to smash viciously and fall to the floor in fits of violence. Next they broke into their new single, “Xenomorphic Organ Rearrangement.” This song has an excellent riff and a punishing tempo. Hearing this high quality song writing can only bolster the hype surrounding the wait for the new album. (Due out 3/29) Next they broke out “Acid Tub,” where Maggot passed the mic to the frontman of Feticide and then jumped down to join the pit. Finally, under blood red lights, and to the sound of deep and punishing bass, Mutilation Barbecue closed out. With Maggot now singing on the floor, the crowd went nuts one last time. Bodies circled, collided and ricocheted around the room with reckless abandon. The dangerous dance of the moshpit climbed to new heights as the fans poured out their last reserves of aggression. They roared. Every bit as fearsome as the singer of the band they had just witnessed, the crowd roared. It was incredible. Mutilation Barbecue said goodnight, and the lights came up. Just like that the show was at a close.
Mutilation Barbecue
Joha and I worked our way toward the door and out into the chilly night air. Down the street we scurried and soon enough we made our way back to the car. Then easing out of our parking spot, we pointed her east and sallied forth. It had been a really great night. Ripped Open had been pretty damn good. Their set had been memorable as was the bands presence in the pit for the remainder of the show. Cleansing Humanity really impressed me. I was a big fan of their energy and of their Hardcore/Death Metal sound. Feticide was wild and they kept the fans moving. It is obvious to me that they have established themselves fairly well here in Cleveland, and their fan base seems to be growing. Finally Mutilation Barbecue was outstanding. As always, they delivered their tastiest cuts that come “beefier than brisket.” They held the crowd of No Class completely under their sway for their entire set; driving them to fits of Metal induced savagery. In short, they absolutely rocked. On that note I will call this one. As usual, keep on banging your head, hoist your horns and always wear your earplugs. Thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
3/10 - 3/11/24
Mutilation Barbecue
Cleansing Humanity
Ripped Open
Voice of the Underground