Vol. #134: Temple Witch, Beyond Neptune, The Cult ov Crowley, Black Moon Cult & Nightmare Empire
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #134: Temple Witch, Beyond Neptune, The Cult ov Crowley, Black Moon Cult & Nightmare Empire
April 14, 2024
Grog Shop 2785 Euclid Heights Blvd, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
Hello my friend and esteemed reader. I am pleased to welcome you back to the wonderful world of the Rustbelt Rock Review. This week I found myself headed west on a Sunday night. My destination was the Grog Shop, our most beloved spot nestled at the heart of Coventry. It was a beautiful evening with temperature hovering around 70 degrees and the skies clear. I parked my car and strolled my way over to the club, arriving shortly after doors opened. Inside I discovered the ATM wouldn’t take my card. This forced me back outside and on a quest for cash. After a short jaunt, I found myself across the street at a bank and soon enough I was back at the doors of the Grog; paying the cover and securing my wristband. Then I set about wandering the club surveying all the happenings and perusing the merch. I eventually was called by the night air and found myself back outside enjoying the weather. At some point I spotted the boys from The Cult ov Crowley. This is a band I have written about before, but I have never had the pleasure of meeting in person. I introduced myself and we got to talking. They shared a blunt and I thanked them heartily. Before too long, I heard the tell tale sounds of guitar chords emerging from the doors. Saying goodbye, I hustled inside just as the first act was starting up.
Nightmare Empire
Our debut performer on the bill was a band called Nightmare Empire. They are a five piece band, made up of two Guitars, Bass, Drums and a Vocalist. By the time I made it to the stage they were already neck deep into their first song. My first observation was that the singer had a big voice. His presence was immediately felt as his vocal soared above the mix. They played a Traditional Heavy Metal style that I have to say was pretty rippin’. Their second song, “Something Wicked,” was solid as stone. I noted that the Bass was really “hammering the low end home.” Meanwhile the Vocalist added some nice growls to his pallet, that really had a nice effect. Next was an ode to Heavy Metal called “This is Your God.” I really enjoyed the tempo here, as well as the aggressive tone of the vocalist. The drums were extremely hard hitting, and the lead guitarist delivered one hell of a solo. Fourth in the set was a song called “Raven.” It opened melodic and slow, setting a dark and some what menacing mood. This ballad played out for a time before the chorus kicked in, and the song exploded. Building momentum “Raven” rolled on building power with each successive note. Growing heavy and fast and delivering an epic solo, this song slayed. Next they busted out “Sands of Time” which was a song about ancient aliens. They served up another kick ass jam with some cool lead action and another razor of a solo. Finally closing out the set they performed their self titled track, the song “Nightmare Empire.” With some incredible opening riffs and hard edged, powerful drumwork this song pounded plain and simple. They finished up and received a very positive response from the crowd; applause and cheers erupting all around the room. I for one was impressed. Nightmare Empire had put on a severely Rockin’ set and opened up the evening in a monstrous fashion. If you are a fan of Judas Priest or Iron Maiden I would suggest you check out Nightmare Empire right away.
Black Moon Cult
Next up on our agenda was Black Moon Cult. In from Toledo this is a three man act built from Guitar/Vocals, Bass/Backing Vocals and Drums. They opened up with an excellent riff that had a huge fuzzy sort of sound. Their Vocals were clean with a touch of a rasp and a heavy dose of reverb. If I had to characterize them with a subgenre I would put them somewhere in the Stoner Metal realm. The second song was called “Super Nova.” It had a chugging cadence and some really nice Bass work. It is also worth noting that the Bass player had some really great stage presence, Rockin’ and moving to the music at all times. It was around the time that the Guitarist laid out a slick solo that I decided I was officially really digging Black Moon Cult. Their third song, which I believe was called “Ophidian Crown,” had a nasty chugging rhythm and an explosive ending. “At the Mountains of Madness” opened melodically but soon developed into a stomping beast of a track. They closed out the set with an excellent rendition of Rush’s “Working Man.” Fuzzy and heavily distorted, but otherwise spot on, Black Moon Cult, laid out a killer cover of the classic track. The crowd cheered them on and sent them off with a great energy. I found Black Moon Cult to be a really good band. They had a bitchin’ sound and were clearly talented at every position. With solid stage presence they kept the set interesting and energized. This is a band that I highly recommend and I hope they make it back to Cleveland soon.
The Cult ov Crowley
Our third performers of the night were Akron’s The Cult ov Crowley. This is a five man group forged from Vocals, Guitar/Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums. This is a group that is exceedingly difficult to classify. They have a unique sound that draws inspiration from several different Metal disciplines. With pieces taken from Hard Rock, Stoner, Doom and Death Metal (just to name a few) they have a sound that is uniquely their own. They took to the stage, some members of the band looking menacing, adorned in face paint. Opening up with “Count Dracula” they broke into the set with an eerie atmosphere. The first vocals came from the Guitarist and were clean and melodic. He harmonized with the dedicated Vocalist, laying out notes which floated through the club like specters. Those notes were quickly replaced with harsh screams and brutal, deep gutturals, adding a terrifying layer to the sound. A ripping Guitar solo followed and I noted here that the band had exceedingly good stage presence. Next in the set came “Sensory Overload.” This song had the entire band headbanging. Opening with Guttural roars which lead into smooth cleans and gorgeous harmonies, this song had many layers. Another shredder of a solo popped up in this one and I was floored by how intense the whole thing played out live. Following that The Cult ov Crowley, summoned a magnificent cover of Alice in Chains “Them Bones.” This rendition was well executed with perfectly pitched harmonies and a spot on Guitar solo. “Rise of the Rat King” followed and it was a banger. This song had some sick Bass work and a killer back and forth dynamic between the two singers. The Vocalist grabbed a tambourine and began to rattle it around. All of this led to a climactic peak where the drums were absolutely hammering. “Lesser Key” began subdued and haunting, almost like a chant. Then the song blows it’s top and the Vocalist begin ranting like a mad preacher. With another excellent two part vocal performance, The Cult ov Crowley concocted a dark tapestry of sounds. Closing out the set they dropped “Burn The Witch.” The heaviest song yet, this one was delivered with fire. Hard and fast was how they chose to end things and they did so with power. The Cult ov Crowley left the stage to strong applause. I was impressed by what I had seen and had been blown away by what I heard. They are truly a band that is unlike any other. Their sound in complex and undeniably intriguing. If you are a fan of the legendary Acid Bath, or simply enjoy Heavy Metal bands that write outside of the box then you should check out The Cult ov Crowley right away.
Beyond Neptune
Our fourth performer of the evening was visiting us from Grove City, OH. Beyond Neptune is a four man Metal band compiled from Bass/Vocals, Drums and two Guitarists both of which deliver backing Vox. The set began with some spooky ass Sci-Fi samples played over the PA. Once that played out the band opened up with some extremely heavy ass shit. They had a romping ripping sound that sported hard edged vocals, pounding drums and slick solos coming from both Guitarists. Right off the bat, the band showed off some exceptional stage presence, with each member throwing down in their own way. Second in the hit list was a number entitled “Crawl.” This one had a more subdued verse, with a roaring chorus and another dose of shredding solos. By this point I was sold on Beyond Neptune and my notes read simply: “Bad Ass.” “The Great American Hellfire” came next and it was a monster. Hard charging, in your face, aggressive and energetic are just a few of the ways this song is described in my notebook. With great vocal layering and soaring gang vocals, this song was nothing short of vicious. Their fourth and final song began with a cacophony of noise and pick scrapes. It then rolled on into a violent storm of stage energy and roaring vocals. The backing Vox on this one made the verses really pop and the Guitar solos once again amazed all who looked on. They took their final bows and brought the set to a close. Beyond Neptune had been outstanding. Without a doubt they played a fire set and had the best stage energy of the night. They came to Rock and Rock they did; and along the way they impressed the hell out of me. For fans of Sacred Reich or Testament I would highly suggest you check out Beyond Neptune ASAP.
Temple Witch
Finally, at the end of a long road, we came upon our headlining act. Temple Witch is a three man Doom Metal band made up of Guitar/Vocals, Bass and Drums. They opened up in the traditional Doom Metal fashion, that being slow and heavy. Their songs were long, with lengthy periods of instrumentation separating the Vocal portions. The sound had a droning quality and the Vocals were clean with a hint of a growl. Both the Guitar and Bassist showed off some quality stage presence; Headbanging and Rocking out in time with the beat. Second in the set was a song called “Motion.” It was very Bass driven with a slowly building intro. Eventually it broke into heaviness with the vocalist wailing. The third song was heavy and churning. It had a fuzzy sound that built and built to a catastrophic level. Their fourth and final track began with reverberating distorted notes. The drums dropped in over a Bass Line that thrummed. Rough vocals wailed in rage and grew to a roaring volume. The Bass hummed while the drums relentlessly hammered. With absolute power, Temple Witch closed out the set with thunder. All those who looked on applauded and cheered in appreciation as the said goodnight. If you like bands like Sleep or Electric Wizard then you should check out Temple Witch right away.
With the final band now behind me I said my good nights and made my way back to my car. Guiding it toward the free way, I popped in The Cult ov Crowley’s album “King Suites” and headed home. It had been an excellent night with a stellar lineup. Nightmare Empire had started things off right with their Traditional Metal attack. Black Moon Cult brought their Stoner Metal sound and wowed the crowd undeniably. The Cult ov Crowley was phenomenal. Their harmonies soared and their gutturals shook the room. Beyond Neptune kicked ass plain and simple. It is also worth nothing that they brought the best stage show of the night. Finally Temple Witch brought the thunder and closed out the show with stroke of Doom. All in all it had been an incredible night of Metal. Rarely do I get to see so many excellent bands assembled on one bill. It was a genuine pleasure to have been there and to have shared in the music. I drove home and passed out: exhausted yet satisfied. My required dose of Metal administered, I am now rejuvenated sufficiently to face another week of life. After all isn’t that why we do this? Isn’t it why we go to these shows, follow these bands and live this lifestyle? So we can get our required shot of Metal and gain the strength we need to carry on. I know that’s the way it is for me. Music saves, and that ain’t no bullshit. Well, I suppose on that note I will bring this edition to a close. So here’s your weekly reminder to bang your head, hoist your horns and always wear your earplugs!
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Nightmare Empire
Black Moon Cult
The Cult ov Crowley
Beyond Neptune
Temple Witch
Voice of the Underground