Vol. #152: Extinction A.D., Assault & Cleansing Humanity
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #152: Extinction A.D., Assault & Cleansing Humanity
September 2, 2024
The Grog Shop 2785 Euclid Heights Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
Good evening my friends and welcome back to Northeast Ohio’s premier Rock N’ Roll periodical: the Rustbelt Rock Review. This week I am working late and running behind as I bring to you my latest sortie into the underground. It was a Monday, Labor Day to be precise, and I found myself once again en route to the Grog Shop. I parked and made my way to the Grog, arriving just as doors opened. I paid my cover and wandered the club in search of familiar faces. Nearby I found some of the boys from Assault and I joined the nonsense. We drifted around the club and eventually outside to enjoy the air. Tonight’s gig would feature Extinction A.D., Assault and Cleansing Humanity. There was originally a fourth band on the bill, Amassa, but they dropped off last minute. Word around the club was that they had in fact broken up just before the gig. As such, the show start time got pushed from 7:30 to 8:00. We chilled outside enjoying in the night air. I puffed on my pen and chatted with many of the Cleveland faithful, passing the time as we patiently waited for 8 o’clock to strike. Which of course it eventually did, at which point we migrated inside.
Cleansing Humanity
First to the stage was Cleansing Humanity. They are a five man operation that I would put somewhere on the Death Metal map, though there is a definite Hardcore influence to their sound as well . They are built from Vocals, two Guitars, Bass and Drums. If I heard correctly they hail from Ashtabula, OH. They opened up heavy and their sound was an immediate attack upon the senses. Thundering heaviness permeated the air as they unleashed hell upon the crowd. Their singer brought a plethora of snarls, growls and screams to the table, as well as an abundance of stage presence. The Drumming was exceptional and I made multiple notes about just how impressive it was. I also scribbled down thoughts on the Guitar work. Writing things like “Slick solo,” “Punishing chords” and “Riffs like an ax…” it’s pretty obvious that I liked what I was hearing. I wasn’t alone either. All around me I saw people headbanging and holding their horns up in approval. Nearby I spotted Terry Johnson (Olathia/Bessemer Saints), Joe Lowrie (Nunslaughter/Olathia) as well as Chris Maggot (Mutilation Barbecue). They seemed to be enjoying the set every bit as much as I was. I remember really liking the song “Either Way He Dies.” I described it as “intense” and “brutal” and said it gave off “violent vibes.” I believe they played seven tracks, ending on a song that I think was called “Unholy Grace.” Fast, driving and aggressive, it was the perfect way to conclude an excellent set. The crowd gave up a big cheer as Cleansing Humanity finished strong as steel.
Up next was Assault, a four man Thrash Metal band from Cleveland, OH. They are constructed from Guitar/Vocals, Guitar/Backing Vocals, Bass and Drums. Together with Extinction A.D. they are currently on tour blazing a swath across our nation. The boys took to the stage and as is their custom, there was a period of nonsensical banter, with each other and with the crowd. When they finally got down to the business at hand, they opened up with fire and let loose some fantastic Thrash without mercy. The Vocals were delivered in a vicious snarl that absolutely chewed through the eardrums of all those who stood listening. The Drums hit with pure precision, launching the set like a ICBM. The Bass thrummed with power, holding down the sound like a vice. Meanwhile the twin terrors on Guitar ripped, tore and shredded to the delight of onlookers. Whether it was their monster riffs or white hot solos, the ax work of Assault is unmatched. I found myself in awe of the raw skill and lost in the music as the set rolled on. From their heart stopping opener “Death Solution” to their climactic finale “Obliviate,” they held the crowd in the palms of their hands. By the time they brought the set to a devastating close the auditory punishment was complete. It had been a phenomenal set filled with blazing notes and wrathful words. Along with me the crowd screamed with passion as Assault said goodnight.
Extinction A.D.
Closing out our evening, from Long Island, NY, was Extinction A.D.. They are a four man wrecking crew made up of Guitar/Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums. They opened up like an explosion. With a Thrashy sound that hit just right, they took to the Grog stage with a powerful energy. I noted very early in the set, and I cannot type this loudly enough, this band has incredible stage presence. They rocked out hard, moving, grooving and headbanging. This was especially true of their Vocalist who was off the charts from a performance perspective. They were hard and fast. They packed sickening solos in, along with wicked breakdowns. For what it’s worth they also had an excellent Bass tone, which really held it all together like some sort of throbbing glue. By their second song some moshing had broken out on the floor, and on their fourth track, a brief circle pit developed. There was intermittent moshing off and on throughout the remainder of the set, with the crowd obviously loving everything Extinction A.D. was putting out. For their final song my notes read “Incredibly heavy, hard driving; like a high speed collision.” And I gotta say that tracks with my memories of the set. Extinction A.D. put on one hell of a show. They played so damn hard, that it was honestly a privilege to see them perform. If you get the chance, go check out Extinction A.D.. You will not be disappointed.
And, as so often happens, the show came to a close. I said goodnight to many friends and before heading out into the chilly September night. I hoped in my car and headed east with all speed. As I navigated the street of Northeast Ohio, I had much to think about. It had been a fantastic show. Cleansing Humanity did a bang up job of opening the gig, bringing some seriously heavy shit to the stage. They took no prisoners as they warmed up the crowd. Assault did what Assault does best: Shred. They tore through their set leaving nothing in their wake but sore necks and melted faces. Finally, Extinction A.D. absolutely killed it. They brought their Long Island sound to the North Coast and set it off like atom bomb. With explosive force they detonated the stage of the Grog and blew our minds and eardrums wide open. With these thoughts rattling around my head, I hit the sack and got some much needed sleep… which is what I am about to do now. Thank you so much for reading, your time and attention are greatly appreciated. Remember to hoist your horns, bang your head and always wear your earplugs.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Extinction A.D.
Cleansing Humanity
Voice of the Underground