Vol #160: Shed Dwellers, Attaxia, Vandalizard, This Pestilent Existence and NMA
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #160: Shed Dwellers, Attaxia, Vandalizard, This Pestilent Existence and NMA
October 25th, 2024
The Five O'clock Lounge 11904 Detroit Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107
Hello my most esteemed lover of Rock N’ Roll. I, Z.M. Delgado, have once again journeyed into the underground and returned with tales to tell. This week I chose to venture into the Punk Scene, which had me headed to the Five O'clock Lounge. There the event of the evening was a put together by Shed Dwellers and it showcased the talents of Attaxia, Vandalizard, This Pestilent Existence and NMA. In addition to the music the evening also had a costume contest. So I slipped into my trusty dilophosaurus suit, hopped into my ride and headed to the rendezvous point. There I met up with Joha and Face (Guitar/Vandalizard). We were running behind schedule and I was frustrated. Luckily I had a bag of Devil Driver in my pocket, and Joha had a bowl to roast it in. With our powers combined we smoked one and my frustration seemed to melt away. Soon enough we were ready to go. We piled in the car and pointed it west, heading toward “The 5” with all speed. We arrived on the scene about 20 minutes late and I was afraid I missed the first act. As it turns out the show was running behind, and showed no signs of starting soon, so it was a nonissue. Appearing shortly thereafter was Jimmy “The Dook” Fedor of Roxxxstarradio. Together with The Dook, Joha and I adjourned to the patio where we met up with the Vandalizard crew and began to consume copious amounts of ganja. In good time we could hear the first notes emerging from the club, and so we finished our doobies and headed to the stage.
First up was NMA. They were already underway, performing for a nice sized crowd, when I entered the room. NMA is a three man Punk band made up of Guitar/Vocals, Bass/Backing Vocals and Drums. They came out dressed in a dinosaur theme, which I could respect, being something of a dinosaur myself. Their play was hard and fast and to the point. Their Vocals were clean and were delivered in sort of half shouted/half sung blasts. I was a big fan of their Bass player, who had excellent stage presence and a killer tone. I was also super impressed by their drummer, both for his aggressive play as well as for the fact he kept his dinosaur head on for the entire set. They performed short songs with comical themes. Delving into subjects such as Cher, Surfing Dinosaurs, Mel Gibson, Hating Morrissey and Godzilla attacking Cleveland, they kept the crowd entertained. I believe they played a total of 10 songs before calling it quits. They received strong applause from onlookers as they brought their set to a close. Together, with The Dook and Joha, I returned to the patio where the ritual dope smoking continued for a long time.
This Pestilent Existence
We smoked that dope. We smoked the shit out of, to be sure. All the while we kept our ear to wall, waiting for the tell tale sounds of the next band, This Pestilent Existence, to emerge. The plan was to hang out on the patio and burn down until the music started, then run inside to catch the set. So we waited, and we waited and we waited some more. Alas that indication never seemed to emerge. No pounding drums, no distorted guitars and no screaming vocals. Just the gentle thumping of the house music… or so I thought. After what seemed like a long time my homie Swamp Donkey (Bass/Vandalizard) appeared to collect the rest of his band. He announced, “He’s almost done.” And I asked “who?” Swampy said, “This Pestilent Existence.” and I said, “Oh shit.” Realizing I had made a critical mistake, I moved my ass to the stage with all speed. As Swamp Donkey had said, This Pestilent Existence was just finishing his set. I was there in time to catch the final song, as he performed clad in a hot dog suit. As such I have very little to tell you about This Pestilent Existence. So I did a little digging online to compensate. Here’s what I learned: This Pestilent Existence is a one man band. He performs acoustic using a guitar, a drum box, bells and a kazoo. He impressively sings while performing all the instruments simultaneously. Despite being acoustic, his music is very punk in it’s sound. From what I’ve heard of him, I have to say he is a very cool and unique act. I offer him my sincerest apologies for missing his set and I hope I get the opportunity to check him out in the future.
After another smoke session, we made our way back to the stage. There I spotted Nick from Galactic Reptile as well as Dill and Marco from HAMS. Collectively we posted up to and prepared to check out Vandalizard. This is a four man Punk rock outfit made up of Guitar/Vocals, Guitar/Backing Vocals, Bass and Drums. They took to the stage dressed as skeletons and opened up fast and energetic. With coarse vocals they delivered impressive lead licks over a variety of Punk, Rock and Ska chords. The Drum work was on point as the songs switched from one style to the next. Their stage energy was great with their Bass man Rocking out continuously and their Guitarist pogoing about his corner of the stage. Their Ska riffs were particularly tasty and extremely danceable. Those riffs were paired up with Bass lines that traveled into your ear and straight to your ass… where they proceeded to shake vigorously. I particularly enjoy their song, which I believe is called “Coyote’s Teeth.” It has a strong southwestern vibe, with melodic verses and a very Rockin’ chorus. All in all it’s a song that really kills. They closed out with their semi-ballad “Ramona.” This one starts out mellow and very heartfelt but quickly grows legs and takes off running. It builds to a Ska breakdown where the singer thanked all in attendance before erupting into a big finish. Vandalizard played eleven songs by my count, and closed out their set to vigorous applause. They tore down their gear and I, along with Joha and The Dook, headed back to the patio to blaze.
Significantly higher, and ready for more, we returned to the stage for our next act: Attaxia. This is a four person, female fronted, Punk band, constructed from Vocals, Bass/Backing Vocals, Guitar and Drums. Their singer and Bassist were dressed up as Wayne and Garth which was sweet. Their remaining members didn’t dress up at all, because apparently they are too cool for Halloween, which made me sad… but anyways. Attaxia opened up vicious and their front woman attacked the mic like a rabid dog. Her vox were nasty, hard edged and grating. The music was hyper aggressive and utterly in your face. It had a quality that was undiluted and completely raw. They had excellent stage presence, with all members Rocking out significantly. Their frontwoman was seen punching herself in the head with the mic. Meanwhile their Bass player left the stage and began colliding with fans on the floor. Their songs were short and savage and fired at us in quick succession. My notes compare their vocals to Eyehategod. I describe their music in terms such as “Like a rusty screwdriver,” “Pure Frenzy” or simply “Rage!” It was a set of pure intensity and aggression. However I choose to elaborate on the point, simply said, Attaxia killed it. Yes, they killed it… and then they kicked it’s corpse for good measure. I believe they played ten songs, but they fired them off so quick it was hard to keep count. The crowd egged them on at every turn, and when they finished the fans applied their applause liberally.
Shed Dwellers
Another set down and another break between. We smoked down one last time, then returned to the stage for the nights final act: Shed Dwellers. This is a three person Punk band made from Guitar/Vocals, Bass/Vocals and Drums. They were all in costume, though I am not sure what the theme was. It was getting late at this point, and only the truly dedicated fans remained for the final set. Shed Dwellers opened up with vocals from the Bass that were more shouted than sung. The music had a “Punk crossed with touches of Indy Rock” sort of feel. Once again the songs came one right after the other, in a rapid fire pace. The vocals switched between the Bassist and the Guitairist, though the often worked together in tandem. They had very solid stage presence, with all members throwing down hard. My notes describe their sound in single word observations, such as “Noisy,” “Chaotic,” “Ranting” and “Crashing.” They belted through, I believe, seven songs before pausing to officiate a costume contest. (I was robbed!) Then the set continued with the evenings “Birthday Girl,” Katie, jumping up on stage to do guest vocals. They finished out their time, playing a total of ten songs, I think. The remaining fans cheered and sent Shed Dwellers off with their approval.
Then it was time to say goodnight and head out into the chilly October air. We made it to my car, fired her up and headed east with all speed. Along the way we chatted on all that had transpired and what we had seen. NMA kicked things off with the right kind of vibe and set the ball rolling. I regret that I wasn’t able to get a better look at This Pestilent Existence, but from what I’ve seen his music is really cool. Vandalizard really stole the show with their blend of Melodic and hard edged Punk. Attaxia kicked the whole affair into high gear with their unrivaled and passionate performance. Finally Shed Dwellers closed out the evening with a style and sound that is unapologetically their own. With the show behind us, we parted ways and I headed off. It was pushing 3am when I finally made it to my bed… and that brings us to now… where I sit... rambling on and on, seemingly unable to close out his article. So I just will. Wear your earplugs!
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Shed Dwellers
This Pestilent Existence
Voice of the Underground