Vol #162: Atomic Witch, Sentient Horror & Herakleion
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #162: Atomic Witch, Sentient Horror & Herakleion
November 11th 2024
No Class 11213 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Good evening friends and welcome back to the well spring of art and culture that is otherwise known as the Rustbelt Rock Review. This week I found myself flying solo and headed into the west. My destination was No Class on Cleveland’s West side. I had the Cavalier’s game to keep me company as I navigated the roadways. I arrived on the scene shortly after doors and found the club to be buzzing with activity. Based on the energy in the room, and the amount of people present, I could tell immediately it was going to be a good night. I walked in and found my way over to the Atomic Witch merch table where I met up with my homeboys Jessie (Guitar & Vocals/Atomic Witch) David, aka “Rolling Thunder (Bass/Atomic Witch, Assault). We chatted and passed the time with one eye on the Cavs game as we waited for the music to start. At some point in there I wandered over to say hello to the other bands Sentient Horror and Herakleion, before circling back to Atomic Witch turf. The time passed and before long the hour struck signaling that it was time for the show to begin.
First to the stage was Herakleion, a three man outfit made up of Guitar/Vox, Bass and Drums. They are Death Thrashers on tour, hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana. There was a nice sized crowd in place as the band plugged in. The fog machine rolled, filling the a stage with a clouded mist. From behind this veil Herakleion opened up hard, fast and aggressive. Their vocals were a nasty, growling snarl and the music was, not surprisingly, Thrashy as fuck. They exhibited good stage presence, particularly the Bass player who headbanged continuously. Their opening number was long and significantly complex. It ran through many changes; speed ups, breakdowns and ripping solo’s. Without pause or introdiction they dove directly into the next song and from there they powered forward without mercy. My notes go on to praise the band throughout the remainder of the set. Sick riffs, complex Drum work, sweet Bass action and monster Vocals all impressed the hell out of me. I enjoyed the intensity, as well as the intricacy, of the song writing. Every track was solidly built and meticulously constructed. Simultaneously each member seemed more than adept at his position and that talent showed through in the music. I believe they played a total of six songs before calling it a night. The crowd cheered when they finished up, sending them off in style. I, for one, really dug what Herakleion was doing. Their music was all speed and aggression and it most certainly grabbed my attention and the attention of the rest of the crowd as well. Herakleion finished and the fans dispersed. I returned to the bar where I posted up with Rolling Thunder and watched as the Cavs game continued to unfold.
Sentient Horror
In time I was wrenched away from the television by our second musical guests: Sentient Horror. Visiting our fair city from New Jersey, Sentient Horror is a four man Death Metal band forged from Guitar/Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums. They opened up with some pulverizing riffs which set the stage for a barrage of roaring vocals. The drumwork absolutely hammered, applying torturous strikes to the kit. Blistering solos followed to the delight of the crowd. Like a steamroller Sentient Horror plowed forward and flattened all who stood looking. The crowd was into it from the get go, banging their heads and cheering. On “Undead Mutation,” a song about Resident Evil, a small moshpit opened up on the floor. Their fourth song really impressed me, with it’s driving cadence and killer Bass line. Here I also made a note about he strong stage presence of the bands frontman. By their fifth song some of the fans were really getting into it. People were stomping, dancing and, in general, just rocking out to the sounds. At one point the fans began to chant “AY! AY! AY!” as the band proceeded to drop into a sick breakdown. My notes describe their sixth song as “an explosion of speed and power,” while their seventh track was more of “a punishing punch in the gut!” By my count they played a total of eight songs before they called it a night. All in all I would describe Sentient Horror as energetic and driving Death Metal with great solo work and some deadly breakdowns. I enjoyed their style and, based on their enthusiastic applause, the crowd at No Class did as well. With Sentient Horror now finished it was back to the bar. The game was over, and the Cavs had won, but that was the furthest thing from my thoughts at that point. I had a MUCH more pressing concern on my mind at that moment… it was time for Atomic Witch!
Atomic Witch
I crept back to the stage and posted up along the wall. There I puffed on my vape, and watched as the bands tore down and set up. For those of you who are new to the review, Atomic Witch is a five man band made up of Vocals, Guitar/Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums. They play an unclassifiable style of metal that is equal parts savagery and insanity. Even before the set started I noticed a guy in the crowd wearing a green ski mask, emulating Atomic Witch’s maniacal vocalist. Soon enough it was time and the lights dropped. Feedback began to rise from the amps and slowly the singer slid his own green mask down over his face. This is a true Jekyll and Hyde situation... when the mask goes on the monster comes out. The feedback and pick scrapes rose in volume to a maddening level before it was replaced by savage riffs. Opening with “Skelecidal” Atomic Witch unleashed hell upon No Class. Immediately I was floored by their stage presence, the entire band moved to the music from the first note. With Vocals like a hacksaw the masked man contorted as the band ravaged us with... some sort of twisted Blackened Death Thrash abomination. Their second Vocalist joined the fray injecting piercing falsetto notes in contrast, taking the music in a whole new direction. The frontman took a shot of whiskey, then they broke into a brand new song, entitled “Morgue Rat.” With the mic stand hoisted above his head he led the band into a song, that my notes describe simply as “fucking sick.” Third in line we were treated to another new one, this one I believe was called “Death Edging/Cum into the Light” This one was killer, and I made a note about the solo, describing it as “twisted and ritualistic.” Whatever it was, it brought that mask wearing fan down to the front of the stage where he proceeded to lose his shit.
Atomic Witch
The band produced a bottle of Mad Dog and began to guzzle it before pouring into the fans hedonistic mouths. Next they began a song “about fucking a ghost” called “Vicious Mistress.” Here a moshpit formed, sending bodies bouncing off the walls of the club. “Crypt of Sleepless Malice” was next and it kept the pit moving. Soon the frontman slid down from the stage and crawled on his belly across the floor like a snake. He writhed and wriggled before rising and walking among the fans. He returned to the stage and continued to chug Mad Dog. Before long another round of shots went down on stage, as the precursor to “70,000 Skulls.” This one again had the moshpit moving, and the rest of the room headbanging, stomping and Rocking out. Up next we were treated to a third new song, this one entitled “Sabbath Breaker.” My notes on this one were short and sweet, saying only “Badass” and “Killer Breakdown.” Closing out the set the played the terrifying “She Drifts.” With Mad Dog pouring down on the fans in a waterfall, Atomic Witch produced a horrific display of Heavy Metal prowess. The crowd roared. Applause was applied liberally as the fans screamed their lungs out. Feeding off that energy, The Witch decided to give us one more. Breaking into my personal favorite from their catalog they summoned “Leather Noose.” The crowd threw down one last time, then howled in approval when the song came to a close. Wow! What a set! It had been amazing. Atomic Witch had just blown my mind. They played nine total songs, including my personal fav, including three never before heard tracks! That is something worth writing home about, is it not? As of now we have heard five of the songs from the forth coming album and I have to say I am excited. The new material is undoubtedly excellent and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. With a potential release in the spring, I know Cleveland is dying of anticipation.
Then it was over. I said farewell to the homies and headed out into the night. I drove home and thought my terrible thoughts all the way. I had plenty to think about though, didn’t I? Herakleion had been excellent and had opened up the show just right. Their Death Thrash sound had me banging my head from note one. Sentient Horror was great. I really like their style of Death Metal, in particular their soloing which was a cut above. Finally, Atomic Witch was phenomenal. They terrify the mind even as they tantalize the senses… and they fucking Rock, plain and simple. I highly recommend all three of these bands and hope you’ll give them all a listen. On that note I will bring this installment to a close. Bang your head, hoist your horns and thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Atomic Witch
Sentient Horror
Voice of the Underground