Vol. #173: Bessemer Saints, The Velvematics & Shane Vain and the Village Vandals
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #173: Bessemer Saints, The Velvematics & Shane Vain and the Village Vandals
January 17, 2025
The Beachland Tavern 15711 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, Ohio 44110
Greetings my friend and welcome back to the Rock’em Sock’em Rustbelt Rock Review. This week I have a whale of a tale to tell. It all began Friday night when Chen Killingsworth picked me up. We then traveled to scoop up our associate Jko and turned the car west. Our destination was the Beachland Tavern and I have to say I was excited for this one. We were on our way to see the one and only Bessemer Saints. Without a doubt one of the most entertaining live bands in the Cleveland Scene; The Saints always put on one hell of a show. Filling out the line up was two bands I wasn’t familiar with, The Velvematics and Shane Vain and the Village Vandals. We arrived some time after 7 for music advertised at 8. Much to our dismay, the start time got pushed back and we found ourselves with some time to kill. We decided to grab a round of beers and passed the time in relaxed conversation. We visited with friends and passing musicians. Most notably of course was Jimmy “The Dook” Fedor of Roxxxstarradio and Videographer Kevin Krul. The party moved out to the patio then back inside again as we tied one on, yet all collectively itched for the music to begin. The crowd was really starting to thicken up as we got close to the start. Eventually the first act began to plug in and we were finally able to direct our attentions to the stage.
Shane Vain and The Village Vandals
Kicking things off was Shane Vain and The Village Vandals. I met Shane before the show and it was explained to me that they are a Rockabilly Quartet. They are made up of two Guitars, Bass and Drums. Though Shane primarily did the singing, vocal contributions were coming in from all over. At some point both Guitarists and the Bassman took a crack at Lead position and everyone pitched in on Backing Vox. I was immediately impressed by their energy. The music was upbeat and extremely danceable to be sure. The band had great stage presence; ceaselessly moving and grooving throughout the entirety set. This energy was infectious and had many people throughout room shaking it. Their sound was built around some top quality guitar work, with fast fingered solos popping up in song after song. Yes, they had great riffs, but also stomping rhythms… Add to the mix a Bass sound with a contagious groove and you have Shane Vain and The Village Vandals. They had a lot of good stuff intermixed through out the set. I particularly enjoyed the songs about “Headbangers Ball” and “Pabst Blue Ribbon.” I think they played a total of 12 songs before closing out with a raucous cover of “Rock This Town.” Here each of the three Guitar wielders took a verse on the mic. The crowd let loose a mighty cheer and applause broke out across the room. The fans loved it, that much was apparent. While I am not a Rockabilly guy so to speak, I can recognize quality when I see it and Shane Vain and The Village Vandals are of obvious quality. They played tight, fast, and with a respectable amount vigor. I for one found it to be exactly the power level necessary to launch the evening with a sizable bang.
The Velvematics
With the first set at completion, I adjourned to the patio with The Dook and friends for a smoke session. One blunt later we returned to the stage just in time for The Velvematics. This is a 5 man Hard Rock group made up of Guitar/Harmonica/Vocals, Two additional Guitars, Bass and Drums. They opened up hard and Rockin’ with good riffs and some nice solos. The most noticeable thing was the use of the Harmonica by their frontman, which is a rare and most excellent touch. I had been drinking steadily since we arrived and after that last blunt, I was feeling, F-I-N-E, fine. But apparently I wasn’t done yet. No, after a minimal amount of arm twisting by The Dook and Corey of Bessemer Saints I was coerced into a doing a shot of Jack Daniels. This all went down while The Velvematics were playing a song titled “Double Wide.” Now with my mind over the rainbow I readdressed the stage and attempted to do my job. During a number called “Moonshine & Rain” I caught The Dook tearing up the dance floor with the boys from Tundra. In fact, everywhere I looked I saw people dancing, vaping and drinking. The party was in full swing and The Velvematics provided the necessary soundtrack. I remember really enjoying the song “Razorblades & Cocaine,” with it’s rocking riff and catchy chorus. Smooth Basslines and solid Guitar work kept the crowd moving without pause. I lost total count of the songs mid way through, but I’d guess they played at least ten tracks, probably more. However many it was, the crowd loved it. An active dance floor and strong applause were both indicators to me that The Velvematics had made a lot of fans at the Beachland. With the second set now complete I got a fresh beer and headed back to the patio.
Bessemer Saints
Puff, puff, pass and all that jazz and soon we were back at the stage in dire anticipation. I was SO ready for the next set to commence. Beneath a ridiculous pants flag the boys had assembled. Bessemer Saints are one of my favorite bands in the Cleveland Scene and it is always a blast to see them play. For those of you who are new to The Saints, here’s their basic stats: Bessemer Saints are a four man Hard Rock band made up of Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums. They play a style that is Blues infused and oh so smooth. The are known equally for their fun loving, hard drinking performances as well as their uncanny musicianship. The opened up with “Like I Care” and came out Rocking hard. They sounded album perfect as Tom shredded his way through the first of many intricate solos. “Find a Way” was next and it arrived with perpetual groove. The stage presence was fantastic, most notable was Bass master Shaggy, who is a one man show. Next was a cover that I believe was Spoonful by Willie Dixon, but don’t quote me on that. Whatever it was, my notes tell me it was “funky,” and a “solid grooving good time jam.” “Daily Affirmations” was so damn good. I mean just freaking slick as shit. My notes read: “Watching these guys play is a god damn privilege. They are an immaculate Rock N’ Roll Expression.” “Waste of Space” followed and it was met by a resonant cheer. Here Terry really flexes his muscles and shows off some real skill behind the kit. His drumwork was incredible as the passionate track unfolded. All around me people were clapping and dancing, and just getting down to the sound. At this point Vocalist Corey left the stage, allowing his band mates to let down their hair a bit on “Inthemental II.” Here we got a real taste of what these boys are capable of. Tom’s Guitar was nothing short of scorching as his fingers danced. Terry and Shaggy threw down in equal measure as they brought the gorgeous instrumental piece to life. After it’s climatic finish, Corey rejoined the band and they jumped into their Rock comedy, “Humerus Richard.” They followed that with one of my personal favorites, “Come Find Me.” A song about solidarity between brothers, it reminds me of my own dudes and our unbreakable friendships. The party vibe suddenly jumped off the charts as the inescapable “Another Night With Whiskey” broke out. Without a doubt one of the best damn drinking songs I’ve ever heard, it is a party unto itself. The crowd danced sang along and even began chanting “AY! AY! AY!” at one point. After that, it would seem nothing could top the heights we’d reached, but I was wrong. Next The Saints broke out “This Dark Age.” Slow, ominous, and always building; this song is an epic piece of song writing. Possibly the best song in the BS catalog “This Dark Age” is climactic to say the least. It grows and swells from a whisper to a howl as the intensity boils over at the peak. As it climaxed the crowd erupted in approval. The cheers and calls for more just didn’t seem to stop. Taking a moment to wet their whistles, Bessemer Saints let the applause wash over them. Then here was the closing number. The all powerful show stopper: “Fire Tested.” The crowd lost it’s marbles and the dance floor exploded. The room was alive with energy as Tom laid it down with fervor. The song concluded and the fans screamed. Then the screamed some more, and demanded “One More Song!” The calls rose all around me, and of course I joined in on the demand, We wanted, no, we needed one more song. Anything less would be and unfathomable injustice. Fortunately Bessemer Saints are merciful and just, and they did in fact bless us with... ONE MORE SONG!!! As an encore they chose “Steak Next Time” and they ripped it up, tore it down and laid it to waste in the way that only they can. The boys did what they do best and yes they did it with expert precision. The party raged on for one last blessed song and then it was all over. Bessemer Saints took their bows. The crowd cheered their cheers and we all said good night.
We drove home and talked maniacally about what we just seen. Shane Vain and the Village Vandals kicked things off like Bruce Lee. High energy and with maximum force, they delivered their Rockabilly sound without apology. The Velvematics followed them up with blast of their own. I liked their classic sound and loved that Harmonica action. Finally there was the wave of good vibrations that is Bessemer Saints. With their incredible skill, fantastic song writing and amazing live skills they put on a show that I will never get tired of seeing. The search for music of this quality is what keeps me going out week after week. Thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Bessemer Saints
The Velvematics
Shane Vain and The Village Vandals
Voice of the Underground