RbRR Vol. #102: Electrocutioner - “False Idols”
Rustbelt Rock Reviews
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #102: Electrocutioner -“False Idols”
Release date: Oct 13, 2023
Hello Rustbelt Rockers and welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. This edition we will be discussing an album that was sent to me from New York. The artists go by the name of Electrocutioner and the name of their album is “False Idols.” I’ve been rockin’ this one for over a week now and I think I am finally ready to give you all my thoughts on it. So, hold on to your butts, it’s time for some Thrash!
This album starts out with, a very cool, synth track. It has an extremely 80’s vibe and puts me immediately in the right head space for some old school Thrash. There are three such tracks spaced throughout the album and I think their inclusion adds a nice additional layer to the collection. The first full song,“Revenger,” fires up and immediately begins to rip without mercy. The song is fast and hard, with a killer, and intensely driving riff. The vocals are a harsh snarl; grating and coarse. The chorus grabs you right by the balls and yanks, bringing solid lyrics and some gang vocals that are sure to have fans singing along at home. The song “False Idols” starts with a chugging riff and hammering drums. It has every hallmark of the Thrash Metal genre that I described in the first song, but with the addition of some excellent solo work. In fact if I’m being perfectly honest, all of that can be said of the pretty much the entire album. To do a full track by track breakdown would grow horribly redundant because how many different ways can I say: “This is a Thrash Metal monster.” Electrocutioner has assembled a simply blistering collection of Thrash tracks. The songs are excellent each in their own right with shredding solos, crushing riffs and brutal vocals. While I already brought up “Revenger” and “False Idols,” other stand out tracks include “The Guillotine” which opens up with some impressive guitar action and hammering drums. The track then breaks into some truly ripping shit; anger and aggression in every note. “Seven Lamps of Fire” is a cataclysm of sound, a merciless onslaught, a composition of devastation. Take a listen to the Bass work on this song, as it is particularly nice. I really dig “Asleep at the Wheel.” This one is so damn driving, the rhythm so phenomenal, that it really makes the listener want to jump up and bang their head. The solo work on this one is top notch, displaying a real ripper that I particularly enjoy. Finally closing out the album is “Execution of the Witches” which is pure badassery to the core. It contains a beast of a riff, belted out at breakneck speed. The chorus on this one goes incredibly hard, and has a nice change of tempo from the verse. When they chant “Let the witches burn!” it simply begs to be screamed along with. This song packs a real punch, and it closes out the album on a wickedly satisfying note.
Eric Stevenson: The Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review. @ericstevensonart
So in the end what else can I say about Electrocutioner’s “False Idols?” Well if you haven’t figured it out yet, this one gets a big YES vote from me. I do proclaim that Electrocutioner has complied an outstanding collection of Thrash tracks that really does rip from front to back. The songs are tight, fast and utterly savage. It hits hard with great gang vocals sprinkled throughout that punch up the choruses. The vocalist has an excellent snarl that is very rough yet still surprisingly articulate. Their guitar work is outstanding with both solid riffs, as well as neck breaking solos. It is worth noting that there is definitely some exceptional drum work here and the Bass never slacks in a non stop thunderous barrage. In short I find the entire band performance to be fantastic and the subsequent result is an extremely strong album. Over the course of 13 tracks Electrocutioner takes their fans on a Thrash metal journey that is a full speed assault on the senses; sure to blow your minds even as it ruptures your ear drums. Without a doubt this is an album I highly recommend. Thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt!
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review