Vol. #108: Olathia -“The Forest Witch”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #108: Olathia -“The Forest Witch”
Release date: CD, October 20th, 2023 / Digital, November 17th, 2023
Hello, my friends and avid readers. Welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review and thank you for being here. In this edition we will be taking a look at an album that has been greatly anticipated. The record in question is none other than “The Forest Witch” by Cleveland’s own Olathia. This, the bands third full length, packs 8 songs into 42 minutes of Heavy Metal fury. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though. I want to take the time to break this one all the way down. So without further delay, lets sink our teeth in and find out exactly how she tastes…
The album starts with “Insatiable” which brings a grinding opening riff to the table. Vocalist, Chris E., croons to begin, then leaps in intensity as the verse breaks open with all speed. Terry exhibits an excellent Bass run at about the 2:00 minute mark which really blows my mind. This song is a killer opening number and definitely launches the album into flight in exactly the right way. Next up is the title track, “The Forest Witch.” With a breakneck tempo and ripping riff, this one kicks up the intensity considerably. I love Joe’s drum work here, which is pure devastation. With the percussion set to rapid fire, this song absolutely demands the listener get up out of their seat and bang their head. Third up is Heavy Metal party anthem, “Shotgun.” This unfathomably catchy song is a Rocker, plain and simple. From the moment that Chris asks, “When are we going?” until its final note, “Shotgun” will have you screaming your lungs out. Fourth in the rotation is “Fight.” Beginning soft and melodic, the vocals start off just above a whisper. This beautiful intro plays out for about 45 seconds and then the track explodes. With a classic Heavy Metal power the chorus of this track absolutely soars. Also noteworthy on this one is the outstanding Guitar work of Dylan. While every song on this album has scorching leads, the solo on “Fight” is possibly the best moment in the collection. “Who’s The Devil?” is probably my overall favorite song on the album, and it may be the heaviest. With a savage riff, snarling vocals and a crushing breakdown this song is spine crusher. It also has a very Bluesy portion tucked away towards the end that is particularly tasty. Next in the playlist is “Last Breath.” Clocking in with an 8 minute run time, this song is an epic piece of Rock N’ Roll. Haunting lyrics, with ancient Egyptian mythological themes, float over this magnificent composition. Dylan’s lengthy Guitar solo on this track is without a doubt one of the albums most impressive segments. He bends the strings with expert technique and absolutely shines as the mindbending notes rain down like hellfire. With “Satan on my Mind” you get another serious headbanger. The drums hammer on this one as Joe unequivocally pulverizes his kit. The chorus has a serious hook in it, and will no doubt have listeners singing along at home. Closing out the album is Olathia’s cover of Savatage’s “Hall of the Mountain King.” This is an exceptional piece of music and I love the way that it is presented here. This track simply begs to be turned all the way up to 11. Without a doubt it is an impressive and fiery way to end the album.
Eric Stevenson: The Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review. @ericstevensonart
So now we come down to brass tacks. What did I ultimately think about Olathia’s “The Forest Witch?” Well surprise, surprise… I love it. This is an album I have been begging for, for what seems like forever. I was on the edge of my seat as I waited to finally grab my copy and when I did, I was not disappointed. This album picks up right where “Snakecharmer” left off and carries the Olathia banner to even greater heights. Pushing it to the limit, I believe “The Forest Witch” to be the bands heaviest collection to date. I already highlighted a few choice moments throughout the album, but believe me, there are more. Each track has it’s own secrets to be discovered; its own little flourishes of the instrumentation. Dylan delivers facemelting solos on every song. His contributions to the bands new heaviness does not go unnoticed. Terry’s Bass work is masterful and thunderous. He supplies the rumble and groove that anchors their powerful sound. Joe brings a destruction behind the drum kit that is unparalleled. His embellishments and elaborate fills are the mortar that holds these jams together. And then there’s Chris. Simply stated, she has never sounded better. Her vocals are transcendent in their range. From notes as soothing as a lullaby, to snarls and shrieks of bestial intensity, Chris can do it all. Combine all these elements, with the veteran songwriting of some of Cleveland’s best musicians, and you get an album that is unsurpassed. This is the kind of record that will have you singing along at the top of your voice with your horns in the air. It will tug at your heart strings even as it breaks your neck. It will touch your soul at the same instant that it rocks your world. If you are a fan of Heart, Pat Benatar, Judas Priest or Doro Pesch, then I suggest you check out Olathia and their new album “The Forest Witch” today! Available November 17th digitally and at the merch table at all Olathia gigs. Check it out and, as always, thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
(Olathia- “The Forest Witch”: An outstanding Heavy Metal collection that packs a whole lot of punch. With this addition to their catalog Olathia has forged ahead with more power and heaviness than ever before. Highly recommend.)
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