Vol. #114: Lower 13 - “Deception”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #114: Lower 13 - “Deception”
Release date: November 10th (Digital)/ November 17th (CD)
Hello my friends and welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. In this edition I have an EP that I am really excited to discuss. Fresh off the presses this month, Lower 13’s “Deception” has been tearing up my speakers for a solid two weeks, at the time that I am writing this. I downloaded it the day it became available, and dug in pretty hard. This is a recording that I have been awaiting for some time and I was excited for the chance to finally dissect it. So without getting into a much longer preamble, let’s just dive into “Deception” and see what we find.
“More Time” is the first cut on the EP. It begins with some wild synth sounds, which are followed by hard charging riffs and pounding drums. It runs hot and heavy for a while, dropping into a second more complex pattern, before the vocals come crashing in like an air strike. Blazing in their intensity the Vox are screamed in a Hardcore cadence that punches with considerable force. I love the way the drums hit during this opening sequence. There is an undeniable power behind the kit and it is utilized brutally here. The chorus switches things up, as the speed of track slows and the vocals change over to clean notes and melodic harmonies. Lyrically I really enjoy the chorus. It is dark and bleak and conveys a sense of hopelessness; all themes that are ever present on this record. As the chorus transitions back into the second verse, the Bassist flexes his muscles a bit adding some nice flourishes to an already impressive Bass line. The monstrous snarling Vocals resume and the heaviness continues as the song develops and expands. In time there is an amazing solo that takes shape, which really showcases the Guitarist’s skill. Leading right back into the chorus, the melodies return and carry us away. The song closes on some heavy ass riffage that really slams the door on the piece. This song is exceptional. It is extremely heavy, while still incorporating the melodies and varied vocal styles that Lower 13 has come to be known for. “More Time” is a bombshell piece of Heavy Metal and it kicks off the EP in exactly the right way.
Up second on the playlist is “Your Love’s a Curse.” If I said “More Time” was extremely heavy, then I honestly don’t know how I can describe this song. It is a savage piece of music to be sure. In fact, I would describe it as an absolute auditory onslaught of such profound heaviness that it almost defies explanation. The Guitar riff has a pounding cadence that is truly concussive. The Bass work here is simply magnificent; quick and intricate. Meanwhile the drums come with machine gun rapidity and crushing force. The vocals are delivered in a savage growl and when he shouts “Your love is a cancer… Questions unanswered,” there is a real rage present. There’s an excellent back and forth between the two vocalists, roar met with roar and it is absolute apocalyptic fury. “Your Love’s a Curse” slams, plain and simple. It is the heaviest track on the album, and I believe an argument could be made that it is the heaviest song in the bands catalog. With pure thunder it carries the “Deception” EP forward like a crashing wave.
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Next on our playlist is “The One to Blame.” This one begins with a riff that I simply love, melodic while still hard edged. The Drums and Bass hit intermittently at the opening before jumping in full force 10 seconds in. Soon the Vocals join the fray, clean in tone and steeped in both defiance and resentment. There is an unquestionable anger behind these words. The Lyricist clearly had a bone to pick, and this was where he chose to pick it. From here the tempo increases for the next segment, where some growls enter into mix. The chorus arrives and with it another incredible set of harmonies. Gorgeous in its delivery, the hook on this song is extremely catchy. It will undoubtedly have the listeners singing along “You’re the one to blame,” at the tops of their lungs. The song continues to develop, changing constantly as Lower 13’s compositions are known to do. The chorus returns a few times, and in between you get fantastic instrumental breaks and some incredibly heavy back and forth vocals. The song seems to grow and evolve continuously. Throughout this growth process the composition never strays too far from that core sound that grabbed me from the first notes. It is ever changing, yet it stays the same, if that makes sense. Either way, a stellar Guitar solo eventually manifests and that is the way the band chose to end the song. The listener gets to ride it out like ship tossed about upon a stormy sea. The notes crash against you in a furious display of musicianship. “The One to Blame” is a powerhouse song, loaded with energy and emotion. And it is without a doubt a stand out track in this collection.
Fourth in line is “Holding on to Misery.” This one opens hard and fast. The meter mechanical and driving, the Guitar and Bass lightening quick. The Vocals are clean with harmonic interludes for the chorus. They run through this for the roughly the first minute and a half of the song before the whole thing explodes. The drums become an automatic weapon emptying it’s magazine without mercy as savage snarls come pouring from the speakers. From here the song becomes an exercise in brutality. Speed, aggression and wrath are the words that immediately come to mind when describing this portion of this track. Beyond that, you really will have to listen to it for yourself. There are only so many ways I can say a song is “Heavy,” before you have to go home and press play. It’s just that simple. Suffice to say, this song unequivocally pounds and will have you banging your head from beginning to end. The heaviness eventually winds its way back to the chorus and it finishes up with clean harmonies. “Holding on to Misery” is another exceptional installment to this EP and it continues with the vibes of anger that permeate this collection.
Closing out the EP is my favorite song in the collection, “You Just Left Her.” Opening with a nasty riff and some thunderous Drums and Bass action, this track grabs you immediately. The vocals on the verse are clean and soaked in feeling. There is a desperate, pleading quality to the words as they come aching from the speaker. There is anger and accusation and a myriad of other feelings that can’t be easily conveyed. This emotional charge increases exponentially when the chorus hits. To me it sounds like a pronouncement of guilt; like a verdict being read at a trial. When the vocalist sings “You just left her, all alone, in a world, that she doesn’t know,” it feels like the description of a crime. I find myself wanting to elaborate on this point further, but I don’t think I can. I simply can’t express enough how deeply… painful, this track is. It honestly boggles my mind how a piece of music has the power to elicit this sort of an emotional response in me. I have no idea as to the story behind this song, yet when I hear it, I feel personally touched. That, my friends, is top notch songwriting, plain and simple. But I digress... Anyway, the second verse and chorus run in roughly the same progression. Following the second chorus, Lower 13 begins expanding upon their composition with stunning harmonies. There is an incredible melodic segment here, with soaring Vocals and heartfelt lyrics. After that comes my favorite Guitar solo on the album. It’s a real shredder and I marvel at the skill and beauty of the thing. The solo leads back into repeated variations upon the chorus. Adding in growls here for effect the climax of this song is stunning and brings the EP to a close with pure cleansing fire.
So, now on to my final thoughts. How do feel about Lower 13’s “Deception.” Well, not to put too fine a point on it, I think it’s brilliant. Lower 13 has always impressed me with their skill. They have always wowed me with their harmonies. And they have always kept me coming back with their excellent song writing. Now with the “Deception” EP they have unleashed something primal, rage filled and hungry. If I haven’t hit you over the head with it too much yet, let me tell you this one more time: “Deception” is a very angry album. This collection takes all the hallmarks of Lower 13’s sound and pokes it with a stick. It pisses them off, and puts a chip on their shoulder. Something behind the scenes in the world of Lower 13 had clearly become turbulent. That turbulence led to inspiration, which led to the creation of a five song sledgehammer that crushes with incredible force. From a musical standpoint it is an expertly crafted intricate tapestry of sound; with melodies that can tug the heartstrings paired with riffs that are certified to snap your neck. The Vocal harmonies have never sounded better and the roars are bestial in their delivery. In short this is a must own album for all Heavy Metal aficionados. Especially for fans of Gojira, Mastodon or Khemmis. Pick up Lower 13’s “Deception” today, where ever you buy music online and at the merch table. Keep your horns held high and thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
(Lower 13 – “Deception” An incredible collection. From soaring harmonies to backbreaking roars; with touching melodies and searing solos, Lower 13 does it all. On “Deception” they have never done it better. Five songs of unbridled force. Highly recommend.)
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