Vol. #116: Befallen -“Before the Sun”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #116: Befallen -“Before the Sun”
November 17th, 2023
Hello, my friends and loyal readers. Welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review and all the rambling nonsense that goes along with it. In this installment I will be taking a listen to “Before the Sun” the new release by Cleveland’s Befallen. Befallen is a five piece Melodic Death Metal band comprised of Vocals, two Guitars, Drums and Bass. I picked up this album the day is came out, and I have been jamming on it ever sense. Now that I have absorbed it thoroughly, I think it is finally time to sit down and share with you my thoughts. So without further delay, lets dig into “Before the Sun” and see what we can find.
The album opens with “From Below,” which sets the vibe of the album immediately. What is true of “From Below” is mostly true for the rest of the album. The riffs seem to churn, and follow a slower, stomping cadence. The Vocals are growled in a deep and resonant tone that is simply monstrous. Deep heavy riffs are contrasted by quality lead melodies and impressive Guitar solos. This first song demonstrates exactly what Befallen is all about, and it does so very well. The album opens with an extremely solid track and sets us on a very promising sonic trajectory. Up next is “Acedia” which opens with an amazing melodic riff. The notes dance as the song begins; the other instruments joining a piece at a time. By the time the Vocals drop in, the song has developed into another pounding piece of Death Metal. The chorus on this song is really cool, with the growls coming rumbling and resonant. The song also has a nice melodic breakdown in the middle with some excellent Guitar work emerging.
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Third in the setlist is “Illuminating the Imminent.” At 5:21 in length, it is the shortest composition in the collection. It begins with another melodic opening; staying soft and haunting through the first 40 seconds of the song or so. Then the drums break loose and a thundering, marching line of percussion begins. The riff starts to grind like the sharpening of an ax, and when the Vocals rise they do so with savage intensity. This song is a killer, that only gets better the deeper into it you get. The over arching riff on this one is fantastic and at times their is a great back and forth between the Vocals and the Guitar, that really punches. Number four in line is “Protea.” At nearly 8 minutes in length this one is a mammoth piece of Metal. A heavy, but frankly, beautiful riff starts this one off. There is some very prominent Bass work early on, that adds a menacing atmosphere to the intro. For the verse, the melody drops out and is replaced by a much heavier riff. Just short of the three minute mark, the melodic riff returns to huge effect. Following this the song undergoes a number of changes, dropping into a quiet melody, then building toward and enormous break. The song rolls on with intensity; the notes of the Guitar carrying the listener atop a wave of sound. Fifth and last in the play order is the title track: “Before the Sun.” Running at a length of 9:14, this is an epic work. The song launches with a simply delicious riff, that I really dig. When the verse drops in, the Bass is concussive as it thrums along. The Guitar work on this song is outstanding. Whether it is in the verse, the chorus or the solos, the six string is utilized masterfully here. I feel that this song is too long to breakdown any further than that. Trust me when I tell you, it is very well written and is packed full of powerful moments that are worth discovering for yourself. It ends on an excellent chanting vocal pattern that kills. It winds down, then the music sends the song and the album, off into oblivion in a crackling mass of decaying sound.
So in the end, what do I think about Befallen’s new album “Before the Sun.” Well frankly, I think it’s great. I’m a sucker for Melodic Death Metal, so when I came across Befallen in my own back yard I was very excited. Now that I finally have a recording in hand I can say I am a certified fan. The record is really well constructed. From beginning to end it has a tone that sort of takes you away. While it is heavy as a barrel of rusty nails, it doesn’t ever shy away from the melodic notes. The music is dark and cold and really conveys a sense of isolation. As autumn dies and winter begins to close it’s grip on the Northcoast, I find “Before the Sun” to be the perfect soundtrack to the season. So… If you love Melodic Death Metal. If you live for deep gutturals paired with gorgeous Guitar riffs. If you are a fan of band’s like Amon Amarth, Wolfheart or even Behemoth, I would suggest you check out Befallen’s new album. I think it will be something you really enjoy.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
(Befallen – “Before the Sun” Five songs of thunder. Befallen has woven together sufficiently lengthy and complex songs to amaze the minds of Melodic Death fans. Deep roars, magnificent riffs, and soaring solos lead to an incredible experience. Highly Recommend.)
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