Vol. #121 Bessemer Saints -“This Is BS Too”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #121 Bessemer Saints -“This Is BS Too”
Digital Release: February 23rd
CD Release Party: March 2nd at The Maple Grove Tavern
Good Evening my friends and welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. This week I have the distinct pleasure of breaking down an album that I have been awaiting for a very long time. The record in question is “This Is BS Too” by Cleveland’s own Bessemer Saints. This, the long awaited follow up to the bands debut album, “This is BS,” is something I have been aching to lay hands on for what feels like an eternity. Then a few weekend’s ago at a gig, I bump into Shaggy of the Saints and he gifted me an advance copy. The CD has been on a near constant loop since that night and I am finally ready to share my thoughts with you. Now, I’ll be perfectly honest, I don’t really know how to start. I know this album is good. I mean REALLY good. In fact it’s so damn good that I’m afraid I’ll get caught up in the minutia of the thing and miss the point completely… if that makes any sense.
So here’s the broad strokes. Bessemer Saints are Corey (Vocals), Shaggy (Bass), Tom (Guitar) and Terry (Drums). They have made a name for themselves producing Blues driven Hard edged Rock N’ Roll and this album continues that trend to absolute perfection. Now let me tell you how…! The first thing you need to know is the guitar work is superb. This album is loaded with riffs and riffs and more riffs. There are wicked little lead licks left and right and spell binding solos in plenitude. Secondly, the Bass lines are exceptional. The low end on this collection flows superbly. Shaggy packs more groove into a fist full of stanzas than most bands can cram into an entire album. Third, the Drum work is smooth and flowing, though plenty heavy when the need is there. It seems Terry has found the perfect blend of well measured control coupled with hammering force. And finally, fourth, the Vocals are exquisitely delivered with a soulful timbre. Some catchy hooks and overall very solid lyricism carry an already Rockin’ Vocal performance to the proverbial next level.
As I already eluded to, the album delivers the same Blues Rock sound that the first record held. The songs are finely crafted and expertly delivered. You’ll notice there are a lot of flourishes to the performances. Each musician taking their parts and adding little elaborations, constructing a complex tapestry over a tried and true Blues sound. Along with that sound you get recurring lyrical themes of strength, friendship, overcoming obstacles and of course the joys of alcohol. Bessemer Saints do a good job of blending the serious notions together with touches of humor that makes the album a very fun listen. All in all I consider this album to be an absolute triumph of Rock N’ Roll and a “Must Listen.” I suggest this album for people who love Classic Rock, particularly bands with a very Bluesy base like The Allman Brothers Band or George Thorogood and The Destroyers.
Now before I sign off, I suppose I should give you my Stand Out Tracks. This album certainly has it’s fair share of hits in my mind. Here’s a few that really jump out to me…
“Find a Way” is the albums opener and it kicks off the whole affair with a bang. Laying down a Heavy Blues vibe from the first notes, it sets the pace for the record as a whole. Leading the way is a nasty little guitar riff, followed by wicked lead licks and a fantastic solo. Upbeat, grooving and extremely danceable this is a song that will no doubt kill in the live arena.
“Come Find Me” is next on my hit list and it is one of my favorite songs from this collection. With a grooving sound, that is sure to get the asses up out of the seats, this song surely rocks. The chorus on this one kicks like a mule, is incredibly catchy and begs to be sung along to. Packed to the gills with heart and soul, it makes me think of the strong friendships that get us through the toughest of times. “Come Find Me” is a home run and is worth the price of admission all on it’s own.
Up next on my hit list is “Another Night With Whiskey.” This song is an absolute blast. With a galloping cadence and a killer main riff, it gets you moving from the first notes. Lyrically, this is a drinking song, plain and simple. It is a damn good one too! Preaching the message of excesses, “Another Night With Whiskey” will take you down the neck of a bottle and on toward sunrise along the wildest of roads. Pour yourself a cold one, throw on this song and get ready for night to remember.
“The Cycle” is my favorite track on this record; hands down. This is a slow, mellow and soulful Blues Jam that is in the vein of great songs like “Stormy Monday” by The Allman Bros or Led Zeppelin’s “Since I’ve Been Loving You.” I can throw this song on at any time and simply groove mellow out to my hearts utter contentment. While it is a serious change of pace from the rest of the record, I feel it is a heartfelt groove that adds an incredible amount of character to the album. “This is BS Too” is an exponentially better collection because of this songs inclusion.
My final stand out track is the albums closer, “Fire Tested.” This song is a hard rockin’, kick in the stones kind of song. While “The Cycle” shows the bands softer side, “Fire Tested” portrays the exact opposite. Perhaps the heaviest song on the album, this song was born to make you move, to make you groove, to make you bang your head and shake you ass. “Fire Tested” closes out the album with unquestionable strength, and leaves the listener with a seriously Rockin’ vibe.
So there you have it, Rustbelt. My somewhat disjointed thoughts on the highly anticipated sophomore effort from Bessemer Saints. To sum it up in a neat little package I have to say that “This is BS Too” is a full on, powerhouse of an album. From front to back it is a solid as a rock; with authority in it’s music and strength behind it’s words. I have listened to it dozens of times and have no intention of stopping any time soon; I simply can not seem to get enough of it.. and that honestly not an embellishment. This album is just that damn good. So with that glowing endorsement I will bring this edition to a close. Hoist your horns, bang you heads and as always, thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
(Bessemer Saints – “This is BS Too” Blues driven and hard Rockin, Bessemer Saints deliver an album of unparalleled groove and guts. Built smooth and made to move, “This is BS Too” goes down like a cold beer on a hot day. Highly Recommend.)
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