Vol. #128: Punching Moses -“Live Short and Suffer”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #128: Punching Moses -“Live Short and Suffer”
Release date: 3/8/24
Seeing Red Records
Hello Rustbelt Rockers and welcome back to the Review. In this edition I have an album that I am really excited to discuss with you. When I attended Shotgun Bowl II back in February I was able to check out a lot of bands in a short amount of time. One of the acts I saw that day was Punching Moses, who’s live show was both aggressive and exciting. That was my first exposure to the band, so I gave them the customary “follow” and began keeping tabs on their comings and goings. Surprise, surprise March 8th rolls around and I get a notification from Bandcamp that Punching Moses had released a new album. Well I forked over the $6.66 immediately and downloaded “Live Short and Suffer” with all speed. Since then I have had it more or less on repeat as I go about my daily activities. I played it for my home boy, Joha on the way to the last show we attended. I also shared it with Eric Stevenson (The official tattoo artist of the RbRR) while he finished up a piece on my leg. I got positive feedback from both of them, so I know I’m not crazy in my feelings toward this album. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s a lot of music here to unpack and I want to dig in. So without further delay… lets go!
Punching Moses has an in your face style that is a hybrid of Metal and Punk Rock. Their music is savage in it’s approach; hard edged and high energy. Utterly “in your face,” unapologetic and incredibly raw, Punching Moses has returned with fury. “Live Short and Suffer” is ten tracks of some of the most ferocious and potent Rock N’ Roll out there. Like a fist to the face this album hits hard and leaves a mark. There is a nearly oppressive quality to the sound… at times the songs are almost overwhelming in their intensity. There is a latent violence and a focused rage woven into the tapestry of the album. It is the sort of music that makes the listener want to flip their coffee table... or instigate a riot. With our world seeming to be teetering on the edge of destruction, Punching Moses has written the perfect soundtrack to the end of times. So with all that being said I have to tell you I strongly recommend this album. From front to back it is powerful, passionate and downright nasty. Here’s a few of my favorites tracks...
I really enjoy “Story of All Time.” It opens the album with an ominous sample of newscasters discussing “fake news;” ending with the repeated phrase “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.” The Bass comes in followed by the Guitar and Drums, then we are off and running. The vocals are a sandpaper snarl raging about the “New World Order.” Hard, fast and angry, this song kicks you in the jewels right from the get go.
“The Kill” is one of my favorite cuts from this collection. The riff churns and chews its way into your ear as the song does it’s best to cave in your skull. The tempo is incredibly driving, pushing an intense vibe. The Vocals are all broken glass as they are screamed with a sense of condemnation. At about 1:35 in there is a killer breakdown that builds back up into a monster finish. I feel like I am doing a poor job of explaining just how hard this song goes, but believe me when I say, “The Kill” is a bonafide killer.
“Shadows on the Wall” opens with something that sounds like an air raid siren, followed by some dark and looming Bass work. When the Guitar comes in it is with a slow and chugging riff that I absolutely love. This is a serious change of pace from the rest of the album, which otherwise comes across with ripping speed. The Vocals have a ranting quality to them, that makes me think of a mad preacher behind his pulpit. There is some very nice drum action on this song and it ends with some bitchin’ guitar work that I really dig.
“Escape the Mausoleum” is a back breaking, spleen splitting concentrated dose of pure badassery. This song absolutely rips right off the bat and never lets up. The drums are nothing short of cataclysmic as they hammer relentlessly. The Vocals on the verse cut like a rusty saw; they are wrathful and unforgiving. Its is also worth pointing just how excellent the Guitar solo is in this song, which I will certify as a real scorcher. This is the final song on the record, and I would have to say this is a case of “save the best for last.” Possibly the best song in a collection of great songs, “Escape the Mausoleum” is one hell of a way to close out the album.
So there you have it my friend, my scattered thoughts and full endorsement of the new Punching Moses album, “Live Short and Suffer.” It is an album that I am really glad I picked up. It’s hard hitting and pissed off to the core, but also a lot of fun. With their Metal/Punk hybrid style you get the best of both worlds. There is boundless energy, limitless bile and unimaginable rage. Also blazing speed and amazing musicianship. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that this is a band that Metalheads and Punks can probably meet in the middle on. On that note I will bring this edition to a close. Bang your head, hoist your horns and thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
(Punching Moses- “Live Short and Suffer:” An incredible collection of intense rage fueled songs that erases the barriers between Metal and Punk. Fast, hard and angry these ten songs will not disappoint. Highly recommend.)
Punching Moses
Voice of the Underground