Vol #131: Midnight - Hellish Expectations
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #131: Midnight -“Hellish Expectations”
Release date: March 8, 2024
Metal Blade Records
Good evening my esteemed friends and fellow Metalheads. It is nice to be sitting down with you this evening, as I begin the process of unpacking yet another important release. This week on the docket I have the latest offering from Cleveland’s own Midnight. Entitled “Hellish Expectations, it is the bands sixth full length to date. Midnight is a Black Speed Metal band conceived by one man: The mysterious masked Athenar. On this record he returns with 10 new tracks packed full of fucking speed and darkness. There are no big surprises here; Midnight pretty much sticks to their guns on this record. On it we get the tried and true sound that we have come to expect. Snarling, rasping Vocals, fast tempos and outstanding Guitar work. The lyrics are nothing short of demonic; Satanic, sexual or violent, and often all three at once. Yes, I do believe Midnight knows exactly what we the fans want and they do their very best to deliver. What I did detect as a slight difference is there is a level of grit to this album. I feel like 2022’s “Let There Be Witchery” was more polished and produced. On “Hellish Expectations” you get a more underground sounding album that comes across raw and abrasive. This is a very good thing. This album has sharp edges and it is liable to cut you if you’re not too careful. So with all that being said, I’ll take a minute to highlight a few of my favorite tracks for your consideration.
First on my hit list is the opening track, “Expect Total Hell.” Fast and aggressive right off the bat, this song starts the album off in exactly the right way. It blasts you with angry and sacrilegious lyrics with the chorus repeating, “Expect no quarter. Expect no mercy. Expect total Hell.” There is an implied threat in these words; as if they are saying “We’re here and we are coming for you.”
My second note worthy track is “Masked and Deadly.” This is another ripper of a song providing a truly moshpit worthy tempo. It has some very nice guitar work, with a bitchin’ main riffs as well as a wicked solo. Best of all the chorus on this one is absolutely contagious and begs to be screamed along with. This song will hopefully make it’s way to the live stage, because I feel like it would be a killer.
My third choice cut is “Mercyless Slaughtor.” This song jumped out to me on my very first listen and I have grown to love it. Comparatively slower than it’s album mates this track is more about a danceable flow than slamming speed. It really has a certain groove that makes it stand out from the rest of the record. It also sports a nice guitar solo tucked, which only serves to spice up an already sick piece of Rock N’ Roll.
Lastly I have to talk about “F.O.A.L.” aka “Fuck off and Live.” A high speed blazing riff and hammering percussion begin this track. The chorus has an excellent melody with simple but effective lyrics which beg to be shouted. It has truly nasty guitar action throughout with nice licks and probably the best solo on the record. This song closes out the collection with a serious bang. Slamming the door on “Hellish Expectations” in a violent fashion.
So ultimately, what do I think? Well, this is band that has a pretty solid formula to follow. You write music that is hard, fast and dark. You have scorching riffs, blazing solos and drum tempos that absolutely smoke. So as Midnight fans, we know what we want, we know what we expect and on “Hellish Expectations” once again Midnight delivers. Across ten tracks I have found plenty to bang my head to and a lot to be excited about. I believe seasoned fans will be satisfied and newcomers will be undoubtedly hooked immediately. In short this is an album not to be missed. On that note I will bring this edition to a close. As always hoist your horns, wear your earplugs and thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
3/17- 3/18/2024
(Midnight- “Hellish Expectations” On their sixth full length album, Midnight has done it again. High speed, hard charging and in your face “Hellish Expectations” is a must listen to all fans of Black Speed. Highly recommend.)
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