Vol. #166: Druparia – “The River Above”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #166: Druparia – “The River Above”
December 27th 2024
Hello my brothers and sisters in Metal! It feels good to be back at the laptop and ready to jot down some of my ideas about a new album I have recently received. By recently I mean I have had it for several weeks now, so I’ve had some time to listen to it and let it really sink in. The album is “The River Above” by Cleveland area band Druparia. Druparia is a five man Melodic Death Metal outfit made up of Kyle (Bass/Backing Vocals), Tyler (Guitar), Josh (Guitar), Noah (Drums) and David (Vocals). “The River Above” is the second release from the band; the follow up to 2020’s “Alfheim” EP. I’ve tried to come at this review from a couple different angles, but I think the best way to begin is to take you back to my first impressions. Here’s what I remember. I threw in the CD and fired it up. From the opening drum roll of “Voiceless Regret,” I was immediately hooked. Not to say I was completely sold or anything like that, but Druparia certainly had my attention. So I listened on, with interest peaked, and as each song played out I found my affections for the recording growing. In fact, it wasn’t long before I was completely sold on “The River Above,” now let me tell you why...
There’s no missing it, so we might as well discuss the elephant in the room right away: The Guitar work… it’s incredible! And I am typing that as hard as I possible can. These boys can play, and I mean with expert chops. The album is stacked with scorching solos and riffs you can really sink you teeth into. It not just that it is technical either, but it is melodic. The notes are gorgeous, and the arrangements are masterful. These Guitarists know what they are doing and they clearly work well together. The end result speaks for itself. The Drums pull no punches either. The man behind the kit came to play and he does so with deadly precision. Exhibiting both an elemental energy during the intense portions, and a more nuanced approach when the songs drop into the melodic realms. The Bass work is impressive in it’s own right, applying a much needed layer of groove that helps tie together the compositions as a whole. Finally David’s Vocals are a powerful and intense display of brutality. The passion captured in his performances are one of the key elements that makes this record so magnificent. So here is my problem, this is the point where I would usually give you my “Stand Out” tracks… The problem is there are no stand out tracks. Or perhaps it would be better to say, “They all stand out.” The simple fact is this album is a killer from front to back, and it has no slack. There is no filler. “The River Above” is so completely stacked that I will be hard pressed to choose “my favorites.” None the less, I do have a job to do, and tough decisions must be made. So here they are! Just a few of the highlights from this phenomenal collection.
Now I already mentioned this track above, but I have to give a proper shout out to “Voiceless Regret.” This song opens the album and it does so like the gates of the underworld swinging wide. Quite simply put: it unleashes Hell. It is the sort of pulse pounding, neck snapping composition that you want to kick off your Metal record. The chorus on this song goes so damn hard that I could never put it into words and even come close to capturing the fire it holds. Explosive and driving “Voiceless Regret” hits about as hard as an opening track can and it sets the bar very high for the rest of the album.
I have developed a particular affection for “Sever The Roots.” It opens with haunting strings, which lays the path for some electrifying Guitar action. When the Drums and Vocals drop in, they do so with pure fire. The verses on this song are thunderous and adrenaline soaked. While the chorus on the other hand is passionate and steeped in emotion. This song, like so many of it’s album mates, is loaded with sickening riffs and gorgeous melodies. Without a doubt this is a track not to be missed.
The albums title track, “The River Above” is my next stand out track. The opening Guitars are really compelling, leading you into the main riff. That riff is like a tank running down anything that dares to stand in it’s path. The chorus is a lesson in brutality that unquestionably demands to be turned up to the legendary setting of “11.” The Vocal performance captured here is something special; monstrous and beautiful. Add that to another dose of facemelting solo work and you’ve got the recipe for devastation.
Finally we have to discuss “When Cranes Return.” Another set of bone crunching riffs. Another jaw dropping set of Vocals. Another assassin of a solo. More Percussion that pushes the pulse ever higher and some of the albums best Bass action. This song is the total package. I can’t tell you anymore about it and not do it a great disservice. “When Cranes Return” is a singularly impressive piece of Heavy Metal. It is a song that deserves to be heard from the biggest of speakers and on the biggest of stages.
So now we come down to my closing argument. It’s a pretty simple one: You need to buy this album. Have I convinced you yet? If not then I have done a poor job in conveying my feelings this day. Here, let me say it again: You need to buy this album. I really and truly cannot tell you how much I mean that. Trust me on this one, if you are a fan of Melodic Death Metal then you would be truly missing out if you didn’t. Druparia has created something really special here in “The River Above.” It is 11 songs worth of top notch song writing. It is 53 minutes of merciless Heavy Metal fury. It is has a lot of heart while never slacking on the heavy. And finally it is about the best damn thing I have heard in a good long time. Pick up “The River Above” by Druparia, available December 27th on all your favorite digital outlets, but more importantly it is for sale at the merch table Friday December 27th at The Foundry. Be there for the Album Release party and hear these killer jams performed live. I’ll be there, and you should be too! Thanks for reading!
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Voice of the Underground