Vol #167: The Rick Ray Band “Underwater Cigarette Company”
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #167: The Rick Ray Band “Underwater Cigarette Company”
November 2024
Neurosis Records
Greetings and salutations my esteemed Rock N’ Roll enthusiast! Welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. In this installation I will be examining another new album that I have recently come across. The record in question is “Underwater Cigarette Company,” the 38th catalog entry by The Rick Ray Band. The R.R.B. is a five man Rock group made up of Sam (Keyboards), Shaggy (Bass/Vocals), Sarge (Reeds/Windsynth), Kip (Drums/Percussion) and of course Rick (Guitar/Vocals). They play a progressive style of music that you could easily call Classic Rock existing in the current era. Their sound is one of jam and groove. You see, there is a very experimental and improvisational feel to the music. With lengthy periods of instrumental expression the musical pieces take on an organic growth that leads the listener down uncharted roads. But that’s exactly where The Rick Ray Band wants you; off the beaten path and dancing with every step. The Vocals are smooth and they have superb musicianship, with each member excelling at every position. “Underwater Cigarette Company” packs in 12 songs and runs at an impressive hour and ten minutes of rip roaring Rock N’ Roll. Before I lose your attention, here’s a list of my favorite tracks off of the album.
Kicking off my fav’s and the album itself is “Underwater Cigarette.” This song is a fun romp that opens up with a serious rockin’ groove that flows. Around two minutes in it breaks into a serious jam that has a very improvisational feel. The song alternates between the more structured verses and choruses of the song and the lengthy jam periods. It’s a great dynamic that leaves the listener guessing where the notes will lead them next.
My next choice track is second in the album order, “Oblivion Awaits.” This one has a very cool, tripped out vibe that gives me a semi space rock feel. It has a mellow portion that could has me visualizing drifting through the deepest reaches of the cosmos. Then the song switches gears and punches in the hyperdrive. The tempo skyrockets, the sound warps and its off to the stars. Suffice to say this song has a lot of moving pieces, tons of changes and is every bit as enjoyable as it is interesting.
My next top pick is “Looking Back.” This one starts out as an exciting expression that beams with positive vibes. It is upbeat and sonically enjoyable. The sax truly howls here and you should keep an ear open to the Bass line as it really takes a walk. What I like most about “Looking Back” is the nostalgic lyricism. The song rocks along as Rick reflects on the years gone by. Images of childhood pleasures; particularly that of a carnival, stick out and bring the song to life.
My final choice track is “Flight of the Rocket Chimp.” This is a rip rolling, fast paced and invigorating instrumental piece that is the anchor of the album. Every instrument works in perfect concert here creating a dense and undeniably, exciting tapestry of sound. The drums are a lively pulse, keeping the engines firing steadily. The Bass line runs slick as oil, greasing the wheels of Rock. Meanwhile the Guitar and Sax take turns manifesting fantastic melodies to beguile your brains. If you were to close your eyes and envision an ape being fired into space, this could easily be the soundtrack.
So in the end I have to tell you I strongly recommend “Underwater Cigarette Company.” This is a very strong piece of Rock N’ Roll right here. The Rick Ray Band has the uncanny ability to capture a very live sound in a studio setting. That why I used words like “jam” and “improvisational” when describing this album. There is something that is very in the moment and spontaneous about this collection. Something about it is very much alive. Yes! Alive! That is the right word. That is exactly the vibration that is given off by this new Rick Ray record. It’s alive! It’s living, breathing, kicking, screaming Rock N’ Roll. So yes, I fully endorse “Underwater Cigarette Company” and I highly suggest you check it out as soon as humanly possible. If you are a fan of Classic Rock... If you love the jam abilities of the Allman Bros or The Grateful Dead… If you are taken by big Sax work… well then, my friend, have I got a band for you. Thanks for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Voice of the Underground