Vol. #176: Beast Killer - “Exploder”

Rustbelt Rock Review

By: Z.M. Delgado


Volume #176: Beast Killer - “Exploder”

January 30th, 2025

Hello my esteemed music aficionado! I, Z.M. Delgado have returned to you and with me I bring good news! Amazingly, I have in my possession a most wonderful thing… New Music!!! And what’s even better is that the new music in question comes to us from an incredible source… None other than the mighty Beast Killer! Yes, you read that correctly. Undoubtedly one of Northeast Ohio’s most respected Punk acts, Beast Killer has returned with their third release, the “Exploder” EP. Packing in five brand new songs, “Exploder” is another blazing testament to their Rock N’ Roll prowess. In this collection Beast Killer has seemingly returned to their roots. While still showing signs of growth, “Exploder” probably has more in common with their self titled debut, than with their sophomore effort. It is a little less experimental and more straight forward than “Dystopian Now, Dystopian Me.” On “Exploder” you could say that Beast Killer leaps forward by stepping back. That’s not to say they’ve regressed, quite the contrary. In fact, the band has shown unquestioned evolution, solidifying their sound into an unstoppable wave of Punk Rock power. Let’s take a closer look at “Exploder” and I’ll explain what I mean in greater detail.

The EP has an excellent opener in “New Dawn.” The riff starts off with a sawing quality that really chews at the ear. The rhythm chugs along for just shy of a minute before the tempo jumps up a few notches and the song takes off like a rocket. What follows is a ripping display of high speed percussion acrobatics and impassioned vocals. Preaching a message of strength and self reliance, “New Dawn” is a song about rebirth with a lot of heart and a serious set of balls.

On “The Day Punk Rock Saved the World” Beast Killer mellows out a touch and gives us a little bit of a ballad. This one really seems to speak to the power of music. It makes me think about the sense of home you get from being part of a scene, or the way you can feel safe in the anonymity of a crowd. Live music, especially underground music, often comes with a strong community element. Beast Killer understands this and it comes out loud and clear on this song. “The Day Punk Rock Saved the World” makes me think about how music can change a person, and by doing that, it can change a lot.

Eric Stevenson: The Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review

Next up is “Wolves” and it’s a ripper. Hard, fast and intense; this song is a real shot in the arm. Lyrically it takes us right back to the bands origins. With a message about the wolves within us all, and how we overcome them, Beast Killer is swimming in familiar waters here. Blazing speed, cutting riffs and empowering lyrics are the main reasons I love this band’s music and those elements are all present in “Wolves.”

Four songs in and we hit the title track: “Exploder.” This is another energizing song, with a run away tempo. It Rocks and Rolls in all the right ways, while still holding a significant amount of groove. To me lyrically it’s a song about change and how you just never can quite see it coming. You’ll just be walking along and then, Bam, that’s when the Exploder hits. In a world which is changing rapidly day by day, “Exploder” is a timely piece of Punk Rock.

Closing out the collection is “Sparks.” To me this song is an ode to creation and to the wonderful feeling that the act generates. It’s about creating for the sake of creating. It’s about trying and failing and trying again. It’s about how music saves, plain and simple. Now put aside deep lyrical interpretations and what you’re left with is a singularly potent piece of Punk. The drums keep a killer cadence and there’s a groove to the music that makes the song seriously danceable. Add in the killer throwdown that develops in the final thirty seconds of the track and you’ve got yourself a climactic closing number.

Exploder EP Release Party!!! Be There or Be Square!!!

So there you have it, and here we stand, on the precipice of another pronouncement. Well guess what, I love it! Three times Beast Killer has come through my speakers and three times they have walked away with an unwavering endorsement. Without a doubt “Exploder” is a strong addition to the Beast Killer catalog and worthy successor to “Dystopian Now, Dystopian Me.” As I stated earlier, this collection may be sonically closer to the self titled album, but it’s lyrical depth speaks from a more veteran perspective. They seem to be finely honing their style on more than one front. I suppose the long and short of it is simply that Beast Killer is growing as a band and their song writing is reflecting that. However you slice it, “Exploder” is a killer EP, that I do hereby declare to be a must hear release. So if you are looking for some fresh new Punk Rock this season, I strongly encourage you to check out “Exploder” by Beast Killer. You won’t be disappointed.

Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,

-Z.M. Delgado

Rustbelt Rock Review





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