Vol. #177: Necroprophecy – “Power to Kill”

Rustbelt Rock Review

By: Z.M. Delgado


Volume #177: Necroprophecy – “Power to Kill”

January 23rd, 2025

Good evening friends, or good morning, or even good afternoon or...whenever. Yes, good whenever. I hope this nonsense introduction finds you well, exactly when it finds you. Welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review, in all it’s glory. This week I have dredged the murky depths of the Cuyahoga river and pulled up something monstrous. The beast I will focus upon is the newly arrived EP from Necroprophecy: “Power to Kill.” This six song collection is the bands second release and the follow up to 2023’s “Slaughter on Sight.” There’s no major changes here. This power trio plays what I would call Blackened Thrash and they do it very well. High speed Drum attacks, ripping riffs and nasty vocals... those are the headlines and Necroprophecy shouts them from the roof tops. Lets start with that first point: Speed. This is this albums defining characteristic. It blazes. From front to back it is a whirlwind of deadly velocity. Sure, there are some slowish spots, and a breakdown hear or there, but by and large this album goes rocketing by in a blur of full pedal down acceleration. From that speed stems everything else. Naturally, it’s all derived from the Drumwork, which is ferocious. It is a rapid fire onslaught that absolutely dominates. Feeding off the Drums, the wicked Bass lines come like thunder. Simultaneously, the Guitars are a thing of beauty. Heavily Punk inspired Thrash riffs chew at the ears of the listener like a rabid rat. Impressive solo work is sprinkled throughout, adding another layer to songs already demanding respect. The Vocals are a raspy demonic snarl that is frighteningly bestial. Put all of that together into a blender and what you get is a collection of songs that are both impressive and heavy to their core. So lets take a moment to examine my favorite tracks before I give you my final verdict.

Eric Stevenson: The Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review. @ericstevensonart

First up is “Wretched Revenge.” The opening sequence is like a calm before the storm; a stomping introduction that only heralds what is to come. It has a cool Bass line, and I have to say I love the Bass tone on this whole EP, so I might as well just mention it now. About 45 seconds in the thing blows wide open and we get that first taste of that speed I was talking about. This song is a pure ass kicker and is an excellent way to open up the EP.

“Power to Kill” is another one that I really dig. More whiplash velocity is applied liberally by the Drummer in a neck snapping display. This song is nothing short of a pulse pounding, adrenaline soaked, wild ride. I had it on in the car last night, and as I drove it had me feeling like Mad Max! I bobbed and weaved through traffic like I was the Road Warrior, driven by the sounds of the Necroprophecy. With that being said, it also has an incredible breakdown at the end of which the vocalist shouts: “Rot in putrid Hell!” That brings up an absolutely incinerating Guitar solo that is guaranteed to melt the face right off your skull. “Power to Kill” is a ripper to be sure and easily one of my stand out tracks.

“Merciless Nightmare” is next on my hit list. The Drums are completely relentless and the Guitar riff is maddening. The song is much like it’s predecessors, in that it is hard, fast and has a devastating breakdown. What makes it stand out is that it has a certain quality to it that is, just this side of, sheer insanity. I don’t know what it is, but something about this song reeks of madness. The fact that it ends with horrifying screams and maniacal laughter only adds to the twisted mood that it summons. All that aside, and this is a singularly potent piece of Heavy Metal and one of this EP’s strongest songs.

Finally I really enjoy “Darkness Within.” This one has a definite Punk influence with a rhythm that one could almost call danceable. Of course when the chorus drops and that Black Speed kicks in, that dance floor would undoubtedly collapse into a flailing moshpit. It has some nice stops, a bitchin’ solo and one of the EP’s defining moments… when the singer shouts “The darkness will win!” followed by a devastating breakdown that leads to menacing laughter and the end of the EP. This song Rocks plain and simple and it closes out “Power to Kill” with strength and aggression.

So ultimately what do I think about the second chapter of the Necroprophecy? Well I have to say I strongly recommend it. This collection is hyper aggressive, in your face, and, if I haven't beat this horse to death yet, it is very fast. Obviously if you were a fan of the first EP, you’re gonna want to check this out. It picks up right where “Slaughter on Sight” left off, while greatly expanding upon the concept. Necroprophecy has grown as song writers and it really shows in this new material. I don’t know that I could put a finger on exactly what has changed, but there is subtle improvements across the board that has lead to an excellent product. “Power to Kill” is everything “Slaughter on Sight” was and more. There’s no explaining it much beyond that. The members are the same. The sound hasn’t changed. The recording quality is seemingly identical. Yet somehow the songwriting has greatly improved. Simply put, the songs are just better. Of course, that is just my opinion and which songs are the “best written” is HUGELY subjective, but believe me when I say this: If you are a fan of Black Speed or Blackened Thrash, then you need to hear “Power to Kill.” If you are into bands like MIDNIGHT, Bewitcher, Wraith or Pagan Impaler, then you need to check out Necroprophecy right away. Trust me! This EP rips! On that note, I will bid you a fond farewell. Keep your heads and your horns held high.

Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,

-Z.M. Delgado

Rustbelt Rock Review





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