RbRR Vol. 101: Artist Showcase, an interview with Dream the Heavy
Rustbelt Rock Reviews
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #101: Artist Showcase, An Interview with Dream the Heavy
Good Evening Rustbelt Rockers and welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. I have taken another step out of the cave and into the digital age with this edition. Due to a scheduling conflict I was unable to attend a show invite. As such I decided to conduct my first interview via email. Naturally this will be a little less… conversational than my usual interview. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to meet with the band, so we never got to go off topic and find out a bunch of random facts. Instead what we have here is a pretty straight forward Q and A. I asked some questions and got some answers and now I am here to share it all with you. Without further delay lets get to know yet another up and coming artist...
1) Band Name:
Dream the Heavy
2) Members (Names and Instruments):
T.K. Munk - Vocals
Sully the Drummer - Drums
Ryan Miller - Keys/backing vocals
Mathias Brown - Guitar
Paul D. Price III - Bass/Backing Vocals
3) Where are you from?
We formed in Pittsburgh. Most of us are transplants however.
4)When were you formed?
February 2022
5) Describe your sound in your own words:
Ethereal and melodic Vocals swirling over Ethereal and Atmospheric Guitars and Keys. With a solid yet somehow danceable rhythm section giving us a fresh take on the familiar genre of Alternative Rock.
6) Who are your major influences?
We're all over the place. From Post Punk, Blues, Goth, Progressive, Metal, Funk, Disco. Each song emotes another influence. We don't run from each other's vibes, rather we embrace the uncomfortable to make it our own.
7) Song writing:
Who writes the Music?
We typically jam and then everyone has their say on the songs. Not just one or two song writers but the actual definition of a Group. Our guitarist typically starts with a riff that tugs on everyone's ear and we pass it around for a while, letting everyone catch the firefly if you will. Our singer has the ability to produce lyrics and melodies from their improv background and the keys and rhythm section melt together.
Who writes the Lyrics?
Depends on who the music compels. Mainly our Singer but others have been known to throw some in.
Eric Stevenson the Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review @ericstevensonart
8) What are your major lyrical themes?
Vibrations, Shadows, Beauty, Sacrifice; It depends on what the music lays before us. We read the vibe of the song as a gift to us. Giving the song its own voice rather than telling the song what it'll be.
9) Where do you draw lyrical inspiration?
As above so below LOL
10) Recording history? (How many recordings do you have? What is the most recent release or When is the new release?)
We released a live EP back in February of 2023. We recorded it in Pittsburgh at Club Cafe and put into the hands of Bengt Alexsander of Action Camp. He did some acrobatics across it and really strengthened our sonic stamp. We’ve recorded at his studio and recently released "There you go " as a single. We hope to release more before years end.
11) How extensively have you toured? What’s the furthest from home you’ve ever gotten?
That's the thing. This band hasn't ventured out and we're excited to start this Fall. Our Bassist toured the West coast while living out there pretty extensively and our Keyboard player toured for years. Knowing their experiences and trials we’re now ready to hit the roads and get that experience ourselves.
12) If you could open for any band (Still Active) who would it be?
Each of us has a different answer. I guess whomever would have us. Whomever would appreciate what we do, who we are and is willing to take us along.
13) Who is your favorite band to perform with from your home scene?
We’ve played with some talented bands here. To name one is to exclude the many we love and respect. I imagine it's the same for Cleveland bands as it's such a diverse and multifaceted outlet for not only the traditional Band but for all genres of musical artists. We play some amazing festivals here and I hope bands in your scene get to do the same. Those fests include metal, hip hop, soul, jazz, rock, electronic, goth, and avant-garde artists. That way as creatives we ALL get exposed to it and we grow as a community rather than a specific genre.
14) How has your experience performing in Cleveland been?
Cleveland rules! Ohio in general has been amazing from Akron to Columbus to Youngstown. Cleveland feels like the pinnacle of that musical state with its rich lore. We’re excited to get back and to play there as much as we play in our scene.
15) Why should my readers check out your band? What makes you stand out?
Were Dream the Heavy. It's in the name. We're visceral performers. We engage rather than demand. We want you to come along with us as this is a community experience. No one is above and no one is below. We're all here to share the experience and to vibrate in the sounds that are given through us.
There you have it. A quick 15 questions for a rising act from outside our scene. I wish Dream the Heavy much luck on their quest to find roads to take them further on their Rock N’ Roll journey. Let’s hope they make it back to Cleveland soon so we can all go out and show them how we do it here on the Northcoast. As always thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review