Vol. #110: Artist Showcase, An interview with Necroprophecy
Rustbelt Rock Review
By: Z.M. Delgado
Volume #110: Artist Showcase, An interview with Necroprophecy
October 27th, 2023
Greetings my fellow Metalheads and welcome back to the Rustbelt Rock Review. A few weeks back, while attending the Midnight 20th anniversary show, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the musicians from Necroprophecy. Outside the Beachland Tavern we kicked back and had us a little chat. Over the course of our conversation we discussed the band, their music and a plethora of other topics; in hopes of gaining some insights into the world of one of Northeast Ohio’s mostly wickedly heavy acts. So without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen I present to you… Necroprophecy
Necroprophecy is a three piece Blackened Thrash act from Northeast, Ohio. They are made up of Jake (Bass/Vocals), Jacques (Guitar) and Tyler (Drums). Though they all live in outlying areas, they claim Cleveland as their base of operations. The band was first officially conceptualized on November 1st of 2020. Jake told me “I just wanted to form basically a more evil, vile, total death Thrash band” and “The name Necroprophecy came from the song “Prophecy” from this old British Death Metal band, Warhammer.” I asked them to describe their sound in their own words and Jake told me, “What would have been called Black Metal or Death Metal in the 80’s but not necessarily now. So the old school extreme Metal.” “The primordial evil thing.” I asked who their major influences were and they mentioned Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer and Sodom. They also stated that they like a lot of hardcore Punk including bands like Discharge, GBH, and Negative Approach. To Necroprophecy early Extreme Metal and Thrash are nearly inseparable from their many Hardcore Punk influences. In fact they went so far as to say they would classify themselves as “Blackened Metal Punk.”
Eric Stevenson: The Official Tattoo Artist of the Rustbelt Rock Review
Next I wondered how they approach songwriting. Jake told me that “For the most part I come up with the whole structure. Jacques will come up with the riffs. Tyler comes up with the drum pattern.” Though they did explain that on upcoming material each member of the band is contributing in new and different ways. Jacques explained the process by saying, “Jake lays down the bones. I lay down the meat.” “Tyler is like the bone marrow.” As for lyrics, Jake handles all the responsibilities. He told me his major themes include “Gothic horror, like Robert E. Howard, Clive Barker, obviously Lovecraft, Stephen King… that sort of deal.” Jacques added “There’s somewhat of a political nature to some of the songs.” To date the have released one EP, “Slaughter on Sight.” The follow up, “Power to Kill,” is in the works with a possible release window of Winter 2023 to Spring of 2024. While they have yet to put together a full tour, they do have some one off shows planned in Detroit, Pittsburgh and Columbus. I wanted to know, once they hit the highways, who would they want to be opening for? They responded Sodom, Voivod, Deathhammer, Vomiter, or English Dogs. Redirecting the conversation onto the home front, I asked who were their favorite bands from here in the Cleveland scene. They answered Nunslaughter, Spike Pit, Hellkite and Assault
I had questions about their fans and the Necroprophecy scene. I wanted to know what it was all about and how things were developing. Jacques describes the sensation of performing before the crowd. “There’s just nothing that satisfies me like getting on stage and banging my head. There is nothing that gives me that same sort of thrill as just feeling my Guitar in my chest and the whole band working together as a unit.” The Guitarist went on to say, “We have some really loyal fans. We see people come out to bum fuck venues. People come out in the middle of the week. We’ve got people who really love us, and I’m really, really appreciative of that. I’ve never experienced something like this before and I only see it going up.” Jake added “I don’t know what the future is for the scene, but Necroprophecy going to stick around for it. We’re going to show the kids old school, Extreme Metal and Punk the way we know how.”
So there you have it, a brief peek behind the curtain and into the world of Necroprophecy. With their savagely aggressive style and diabolical subject matter they are a band that is extreme on all fronts. If you are a fan of Venom, or any of the other bands that came up in this article, then I suggest you check out Necroprophecy today. Or better yet, go see them perform live. You can catch Necroprophecy at No Class on December 16th. With that, I shall bring this edition to a close. As always, thank you for reading.
Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt,
-Z.M. Delgado
Rustbelt Rock Review
Voice of the Underground